3 injured in Delta flight security incident

Wow Jim. This is the first time I read that he was flying on dependent benefit pass. Not gonna go well with the employee involved. Also, what about assault charges (2) against the flight crew, and what about assault charge for the passenger that was also hit? I would charge him with all these charges not just the interfering with a flight crew. Especially since he was making the comment, "do you know who I am?" this is gonna turn out great if he is a dependent of someone very high up. Interesting, very interesting. We will all wait for the outcome. If too high up on the employment chain I see it being swept under the rug. I am very interested to what happens to the employee that he was flying under dependent passes. I know for a fact if this was on SWA the employee would get severe punishment no questions asked. And yes we have had employees fired for being intoxicated while flying non-rev. A little different but since this is out and in the open I do expect something coming to the employee.
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When I saw in the CNN report that he was traveling on a dependent pass, I thought "well, there goes that employees passes for at least a year." I'm sure Delta has the same restriction that AA has that when you put someone on your buddy pass list, you are vouching that you have advised them of rules and regulations for dress and behavior. Of course, this episode sounds like alcohol and/or drugs are involved; so, behavior gets even worse.
100% correct. They call your name you bounce up quickly and exit. Then just wait for the next flight going, that simple...
When I worked for 'The Lazy U' I had a call from corporate about a buddy pass altercation from a 'trusted' friend.
She had a 1st class pass but the gate agent denied her pass and put her in coach because she was wearing jeans. It didn't matter she was wearing designer jeans that were expensive, they were jeans. If she had worn a $10 polyester pants, there wouldn't have been a problem.
She made a ruckus and and I received a reprimand.
Last buddy pass I gave.
My Lord, free tickets in first class, and people still try to buck the system. Heck I would wear a 3 pc suit to fly free first class. If she didn't have any pant suits then by golly go purchase some, in fact go purchase the entire outfit it's still way cheaper than paying full fare of first class tickets, and I am sure she was roundtrip. Yea I hear you xUT. It's best to keep it in the family and even sometimes your family members will screw that up too. Just as in this case (maybe) with this 22 year old on Delta. I believe there is more coming out of this story unless the employee is high enough to get it squashed and swept under the rug.