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60 minutes / Steve Bannon !

He only wants AMERICANS for AMERICAN.
I'm having a helll of a time trying to figure out if that s - head is Cheyenne or Sioux, possibly Blackfeet ???????????

Well, given that NONE/No/zip/ZERO of your illustrious "noble native ancestors" EVER managed to put up anything more than than at best a truly pathetic "fight" against the evil intruders on your "sacred" land, now largely replete with "noble" casinos....I'd say it doesn't much matter. Let's face it; who cares which flavor of perpetually-stone-aged savages was/is involved? Seriously; how's it honestly feel to be descended from utter idiots, who with even the unimaginably vast resources of this continent and countless thousands of years at their disposal never so much as managed to develop the friggin' WHEEL even?...Just too busy raping/pillaging/enslaving/etc the surrounding "fellow" tribes for thousands of years I suppose? 😉 BTW: By way of just what sort of enforced suppression of ANY new ideas did your "noble" ancestors manage to shut up/kill/whatever ANY child with an actual brain and better ideas to offer over all those years? Hint: Any society with virtually infinite resources can only remain hopelessly primitive through the utter and complete oppression of innovative ideas...which serves well to explain your currently "liberal" notions. One thing though; Since you're obviously all part of some inherently "noble" and of course "oppressed" sacred community...umm, why can't one cash in chips in from not only the individual "tribe's" sacred casino, but in all "noble native american" tribal casinos everywhere?...Have you ANY idea how annoying that is? 😉

"Cheyenne or Sioux, possibly Blackfeet ???????????" I'll leave that to a far more "qualified" tribal witch of the "liberal" tribe:

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Well, given that NONE/No/zip/ZERO of your illustrious "noble native ancestors" EVER managed to put up anything more than than at best a truly pathetic "fight" against the evil intruders on your "sacred" land, now largely replete with "noble" casinos....I'd say it doesn't much matter. Let's face it; who cares which flavor of perpetually-stone-aged savages was/is involved? Seriously; how's it honestly feel to be descended from utter idiots, who with even the unimaginably vast resources of this continent and countless thousands of years at their disposal never so much as managed to develop the friggin' WHEEL even?...Just too busy raping/pillaging/enslaving/etc the surrounding "fellow" tribes for thousands of years I suppose? 😉 BTW: By way of just what sort of enforced suppression of ANY new ideas did your "noble" ancestors manage to shut up/kill/whatever ANY child with an actual brain and better ideas to offer over all those years? Hint: Any society with virtually infinite resources can only remain hopelessly primitive through the utter and complete oppression of innovative ideas...which serves well to explain your currently "liberal" notions. One thing though; Since you're obviously all part of some inherently "noble" and of course "oppressed" sacred community...umm, why can't one cash in chips in from not only the individual "tribe's" sacred casino, but in all "noble native american" tribal casinos everywhere?...Have you ANY idea how annoying that is? 😉

"Cheyenne or Sioux, possibly Blackfeet ???????????" I'll leave that to a far more "qualified" tribal witch of the "liberal" tribe:

B U T,
Bannon is STILL a SICK x-rick !!!!!!!!
B U T,
Bannon is STILL a SICK x-rick !!!!!!!!

Perhaps the very best part of America is our Freedom to have and express our own opinions....and BTW; I neglected to give the courageous Lakota their proper due for sanely embracing the obviously "evil" notion of repeating rifles at Little Big Horn and actually Fighting/WINNING for a change...The whole "bullet-proof Ghost Shirts" infantile fantasies of others elsewhere we needn't further explore methinks....

Never imagine I don't personally admire the likes of Crazy Horse/Geronimo/etc as fully proper Warriors/Soldiers, but they were sadly stuck within wholly self-induced, perpetually stone aged societies..and just WHAT is ANY even possible excuse for said societies to have so diligently stuck themselves in the stone age? All the natural resources needed to make rifles, the railroad, human flight and even the Apollo Project possible had been immediately available for literally millennia...and yet NO progress of ANY type was even attempted past some pathetic "war" club, a lance and a bow? Explain to us all just WHOSE fault that truly was?....? It wasn't simply the arrogant intrusion of Europeans that made the conquest of the "noble natives" so amazingly easy, but more so the utter ineptitude of the "noble natives" themselves. The Atlantic Ocean was always a potentially two way street and yet NONE of the Europeans EVER needed to worry about the incredibly primative "noble natives" within North/Central/South America...Just saying. Suggested reference at 2:24 into the following: "Shoot the gun!" 😉

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"Ineptitude" you say of the Indians of (the) Americas, against the Europeans.
Hum ?
As usual, you don'y know,...."Shite from Shinola" (boy giving my age away with that one) !!!
The Indigenous peoples ("Indians") of Newfoundland/Labrador, repelled the Greatest worriors in the History of the World. the VIKINGS ! Duh !!!!!

(Oh that's right 'East'. Y O U think Columbus discovered America) Double D u h !!!!!
"Ineptitude" you say of the Indians of (the) Americas, against the Europeans.
Hum ?
As usual, you don'y know,...."Shite from Shinola" (boy giving my age away with that one) !!!
The Indigenous peoples ("Indians") of Newfoundland/Labrador, repelled the Greatest worriors in the History of the World. the VIKINGS ! Duh !!!!!

(Oh that's right 'East'. Y O U think Columbus discovered America) Double D u h !!!!!

"Y O U think Columbus discovered America"? Oh hardly, but I'm not the one routinely proving such an absolute lack of historical knowledge. Case in point your mindless drooling about "Ineptitude" you say of the Indians of (the) Americas, against the Europeans."...? Are you now, even in ANY possible way slightly suggesting that "the Indians" didn't fully prove their stone-aged selves utterly incapable of actually defending their homes and families against the Europeans? Sigh...Perhaps your woefully inadequate ancestors should've at least hired some European Vikings to afterwards defend themselves? Oh well, at least the pitiful tribe of mighty "warriors" closest to the Pilgrims had the good sense to ask those "evil" Europeans to brandish their magical fire sticks against that tribe's "noble" neighbors, lest we'd never have had the first Thanksgiving to celebrate. 😉 Go ahead and even feebly attempt ANY argument against that last, or better yet suggest even ANY fantasy within which your ancestors didn't make their intentionally stone-aged selves ripe for easy conquest by the very first people that came their way and had NOT entirely stuck themselves within institutionalized/tribal stupidity?

Mutual "Nyaah/Nyaahs" notwithstanding; I'll ask you to never get my notions wrong Black Bears. I fear you've understandably mistaken me for just another arrogantly mindless "white man" but I've full respect for decent men/warriors anywhere now or in history. Whenever I imagine living the life of say, a Lakota warrior happily hunting buffalo, filling his family's mouths with fine food and sometimes warring with other tribes, well, that looks pretty darn good to me personally....but we're talking about the true nature of the overall world and there just plain ain't much room for personal fantasy where such is involved. Neither you nor I made this world of ours or have anything to say about it's true nature. I suspect the both of us be would've been spiritually much happier to simply settle things with properly counting coup (or just flat killing each other were we deeply enough offended) and have settled things decently and justly gone on with life if still alive. Such sensible and fully honorable notions simply (and sadly) have not applied for nearly two hundred years. ironically, the "ignorant rednecks" of the South were the last to hold the Code Duello and ANY even slight semblance of actual Honor to be important to any man, but no matter...? 😉 Oh well. Suggested material for further consideration as to the true nature of things these days:

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"Y O U think Columbus discovered America"? Oh hardly, but I'm not the one routinely proving such an absolute lack of historical knowledge. Case in point your mindless drooling about "Ineptitude" you say of the Indians of (the) Americas, against the Europeans."...? Are you now, even in ANY possible way slightly suggesting that "the Indians" didn't fully prove their stone-aged selves utterly incapable of actually defending their homes and families against the Europeans? Sigh...Perhaps your woefully inadequate ancestors should've at least hired some European Vikings to afterwards defend themselves? Oh well, at least the pitiful tribe of mighty "warriors" closest to the Pilgrims had the good sense to ask those "evil" Europeans to brandish their magical fire sticks against that tribe's "noble" neighbors, lest we'd never have had the first Thanksgiving to celebrate. 😉 Go ahead and even feebly attempt ANY argument against that last, or better yet suggest even ANY fantasy within which your ancestors didn't make their intentionally stone-aged selves ripe for easy conquest by the very first people that came their way and had NOT entirely stuck themselves within institutionalized/tribal stupidity?

Mutual "Nyaah/Nyaahs" notwithstanding; I'll ask you to never get my notions wrong Black Bears. I fear you've understandably mistaken me for just another arrogantly mindless "white man" but I've full respect for decent men/warriors anywhere now or in history. Whenever I imagine living the life of say, a Lakota warrior happily hunting buffalo, filling his family's mouths with fine food and sometimes warring with other tribes, well, that looks pretty darn good to me personally....but we're talking about the true nature of the overall world and there just plain ain't much room for personal fantasy where such is involved. Neither you nor I made this world of ours or have anything to say about it's true nature. I suspect the both of us be would've been spiritually much happier to simply settle things with properly counting coup (or just flat killing each other were we deeply enough offended) and have settled things decently and justly gone on with life if still alive. Such sensible and fully honorable notions simply (and sadly) have not applied for nearly two hundred years. ironically, the "ignorant rednecks" of the South were the last to hold the Code Duello and ANY even slight semblance of actual Honor to be important to any man, but no matter...? 😉 Oh well. Suggested material for further consideration as to the true nature of things these days:

Well 'East', I (dutifully ) have to admire your knowledge of Native American history. It's More than I expected.

Long live Clayton Bigsby

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