737MAX is not the only reason Boeing is looking forward to 2020


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
777X engine problems (the 4 test engines have been recalled from Boeing by GE) have pushed delivery date until "sometime" in 2020. Giant Antonov-124 will be needed to transport the 4 huge engines back to GE plant in Ohio.
777X engine problems (the 4 test engines have been recalled from Boeing by GE) have pushed delivery date until "sometime" in 2020. Giant Antonov-124 will be needed to transport the 4 huge engines back to GE plant in Ohio.

I HOPE that a/c NEVER Flies again, now matter what kind of lipstick they put on that PIG. Everything has a limit, and Boeing has reached it's limit by over stretching the 737, PERIOD !
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Don't understand your comment. The 777X and the 737MAX are two different airplanes with their own problems. 777X has not been released for commercial use yet. Expected first flight is "sometime" in 2020.
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Thanks. As my co-worker in the Brussels office of Texaco would say, "I didn't knew that." (spelling deliberate). Interesting that Simple Flying would spin the announcement of the delivery suspension as if it was strictly an aircraft problem.
Simpleflying is a bunch of hobbyists and armchair enthusiasts pretending to be a news site.

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