AA employee stalks passenger by text on flight...


Jul 23, 2003

Ashley Barno said she received mysterious texts as she boarded a flight at San Diego International Airport in April.

"Hey, Ashley! How are you?" the first text began.

Barno says she didn't recognize the number, and responded, "sorry, I'm not sure who this is."

"BTW I must tell you that you are gorgeous," the person texted her.

She said the texts made her very nervous and she felt unsafe.

"You are looking very gorgeous in that gray top today," read another text.

That's when he told her that his name was "Ahmed" and that he worked for the airlines. She believes he obtained her phone number from the luggage tag on her carry-on bag.

"I am on board now. Are you going to Chicago too??" he texted after they boarded.

Barno said the texting frightened her.

"Just knowing that he knew what I looked like, and that we were in an enclosed flight, on an enclosed plane, and there's no way out, like, really really scared me," she told NBC-7 in New York.

The man continued to text her and said that their "friendship" could mean flight perks for her.

"I can always give you good seats, access to the lounges, and free drinks," he texted.

Barno told a flight attendant about the harassment, and they had the man escorted off the plane when it landed in Chicago.

"I called my sister, and I was crying profusely because I just felt," Barno said, "I mean, the best way to describe it was, I felt naked in a public place."

Barno says the airline was not responsible to her emails, and she is suing them for negligent hiring and sexual harassment.

She was also told that it was better to use luggage tags with a flap in order to prevent personal information being used in such a manner.
I got the impression from some of the reports I read that he is gate agent. He seemed to know rather more than he ought about his victim. If he is a gate agent, I expect that this will not be the end of this event now that the gate agents are unionized.
I got the impression from some of the reports I read that he is gate agent. He seemed to know rather more than he ought about his victim. If he is a gate agent, I expect that this will not be the end of this event now that the gate agents are unionized.
That's what I first thought because he acquired personal information but the article I posted said he read her baggage tag and got her phone number. He might have been a passenger service agent but that's not how he got the info. Sick people are still out there. What was he trying to do? Obviously thinking of himself. Glad he's gone.
I think he was also nonreving on her flight. This reminds me of a DFW ramper about 20yrs ago that would see a beautiful FA on the employee bus and follow her home. He would hang out at her apt complex and wait for her to go to the store or mall...etc. and follow her everywhere...all the time in his uniform and would try and make small talk with her in public....it worked once or twice but after he kept showing up all the time it became more than a coincidence... he ended up fired and eventually some jail time....he had some mental health issues among other things.
I think he was also nonreving on her flight. This reminds me of a DFW ramper about 20yrs ago that would see a beautiful FA on the employee bus and follow her home. He would hang out at her apt complex and wait for her to go to the store or mall...etc. and follow her everywhere...all the time in his uniform and would try and make small talk with her in public....it worked once or twice but after he kept showing up all the time it became more than a coincidence... he ended up fired and eventually some jail time....he had some mental health issues among other things.

Wow ! Mental Health Issues !!

That sounds like our Anthony Hopkins, on the Water Cooler.
I think he was also nonreving on her flight. This reminds me of a DFW ramper about 20yrs ago that would see a beautiful FA on the employee bus and follow her home. He would hang out at her apt complex and wait for her to go to the store or mall...etc. and follow her everywhere...all the time in his uniform and would try and make small talk with her in public....it worked once or twice but after he kept showing up all the time it became more than a coincidence... he ended up fired and eventually some jail time....he had some mental health issues among other things.
You knew Weez 20 years ago?
I wonder if he hacked into her cell phone.

The truth is Bluetooth has a lot of security issues.

It is very easy to hack into someone's phone for instance and pull their contacts list.

They were demonstrating that in the cybersecurity class (which was next door) while I was in school.

Sure enough they pulled my contact list as a demonstration, and I had a windows phone (and still do) and that is not even a common operating system found on a phone.