AA exec responsible for new uniforms to leave the company


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
V-P of Global Marketing, Fern Fernandez to leave the company May 26, 2017. FlyerTalk headlined this event as "Exec ousted over uniform issue." Chicago Business Journal reports it as exec has submitted his resignation to spend time with his family.

Pick a reason that suits you.


Even with over 2000 flight attendants having severe skin reactions to the new uniforms (a reason yet to be determined) he insisted that the uniforms were safe to wear. Alaska Airlines used Twin Hill also until some flight attendants sued the company over the same allergic reactions to the uniforms. My main complaint with the uniform is that the jackets, pants, and vests are constructed of a heavy wool (100%) more suited to a much colder climate than Dallas, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, or Charlotte, NC--four of our five largest flight attendant bases. I started leaving the jacket and vest at home over a month ago. Fortunately, they are not required pieces as long as the shirt has the name tag and wings attached.
Mr Fernandez was front and center of the meal service reductions in 2014, telling us frequent flyers how great they were and how nice it was that the LAA meals were being reduced to help pay for the meals added to LUS flights. What a worthless executive.

Hoping that his fellow dimwit, Hector Adler, is the next out the door to "spend more time with his family."
Mr Fernandez was front and center of the meal service reductions in 2014, telling us frequent flyers how great they were and how nice it was that the LAA meals were being reduced to help pay for the meals added to LUS flights. What a worthless executive.

Hoping that his fellow dimwit, Hector Adler, is the next out the door to "spend more time with his family."

Even when they improved the menu after the complaints, it wasn't good. I don't think just because something is fancy it is always good. I have heard FA's say that customers complain about too much seafood on the domestic menu. I have not flown domestic FC in a while but the international food is ok. I think it is too fancy though. Every flight I have been on, I have heard customers ask for an explanation of some items. Make it fancy if they want, but I think most customers would be happier if there is always a chicken or beef option.

Hector did announce his retirement at a recent town hall, to which Parker said he was sad to see him go. Maybe they will bring in people who are more receptive to feedback from employees.
I don't know if Mr. Fernandez was the responsible party for the ramp uniforms as about the only thing nice I can say about them would be that I didn't get crabs from them. Dark blue, polyester, stiff, rough material, and every pair of pants gets a blown crotch... miserable. I would love to have again the US/AW uniform of a pair of Dickeys and cotton t-shirt.
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More downgrades before they leave


AA 737's increasing coach seats. Are they decreasing F?
No. I think they're going to build porches with 3-across seating on the tail section--both sides. BE passengers will sit there and be allowed one trip inside to use the lav for every 3 hours of flight. Anything shorter, you sit and be quiet.:eek::rolleyes:

I don't know where else the space is to come from. I think the coach cabin is approaching critical mass as it is. And, I can't imagine them reducing the seats in F/C. How else are they going to reward frequent flyers since it seems they've made it a policy that AAdvantage miles may not be redeemed for travel to anywhere anyone wants to go?

Eliminate coach galley? After F/C and "Premium Economy" are boarded and seated, all other passengers will be issued a small bottle of water and one of those snack bags containing about 5 pretzels at the top of the jetbridge.
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Funny how AA was blowing off the F/A's on the uniform fiasco, but as soon as the pilots starting speaking up, BAM, quick action was taken. Sure does make you think how AA feels about all employees that are not Pilots. When it comes to uniforms you would think AA would treat all employees with equal respect across the board.
I don't know if Mr. Fernandez was the responsible party for the ramp uniforms as about the only thing nice I can say about them would be that I didn't get crabs from them. Dark blue, polyester, stiff, rough material, and every pair of pants gets a blown crotch... miserable. I would love to have again the US/AW uniform of a pair of Dickeys and cotton t-shirt.
Well good for you because I did get the crabs I think it was from one of Bob's beauties, anyway dark uniforms especially shirts for our hub's locations is ridiculous
I don't know where else the space is to come from. I think the coach cabin is approaching critical mass as it is. And, I can't imagine them reducing the seats in F/C. How else are they going to reward frequent flyers since it seems they've made it a policy that AAdvantage miles may not be redeemed for travel to anywhere anyone wants to go?

Eliminate coach galley? After F/C and "Premium Economy" are boarded and seated, all other passengers will be issued a small bottle of water and one of those snack bags containing about 5 pretzels at the top of the jetbridge.

It's coming out of the F cabin apparently. So much for upgrades, elites.

I'm sure there are still a couple hundred Bistro coolers sitting in a warehouse at DFW... Passing out the snacks ahead of time really wasn't such a dumb idea aside from having nowhere to stow them for takeoff and landing. Maybe they can pass them out on the jetbridge as you deplane?...
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The only problem with the Bistro was the number of passengers who would walk right past the "issuer" on the jetbridge, and then once they were ensconced in the rear of the aircraft (and we were about to close the a/c door) would start complaining that no one gave them their snack/lunch. Well, that and the enormous amount of trash which the bistro bags and wrappings created. :D
Anyone interested?