AA shuts down bathrooms at lambert


Jul 7, 2003
Would you believe that AA managment at STL has locked up bathrooms
in the breakrooms due to graffti on the bathroom walls.
This has come from the vp of operations.
I guess aa is living up to their reputation as a strongarm do it our way or no way company. AKA TEXAS TAILIBAN
Graffti has been around since time began. Go to any restroom in the world and you can find something written on the Bathroom Wall.

Just another way to try to break us down, From the rumors going around don''t think many of us will be left anyhow to use the bathrooms that still are open.
That was the Main Plan to begin with anyway.
(Would you like to supersize that order Sir?)
On 7/8/2003 3:12:03 AM oza/twa/aa wrote:

Would you believe that AA managment at STL has locked up bathrooms
in the breakrooms due to graffti on the bathroom walls.
This has come from the vp of operations.
No I don''t belive it. There''s graffiti in ALL bathrooms at AA. Why would the VP of Operations, of all people, single out STL''s bathrooms?
Why don''t you call VP Cush for yourself and ask him.
I guess he can''t take it anymore.
He''s using too much paint and might go over budget.
If the content of grafitti could constitute some form of harassment, and AA knew about and did nothing, then they could be liable for "condoning" a hostile work environment. Maybe their was something to what was being written and AA wanted to be safe, legally.
On 7/8/2003 3:12:03 AM oza/twa/aa wrote:

Just another way to try to break us down, From the rumors going around don''t think many of us will be left anyhow to use the bathrooms that still are open.
That was the Main Plan to begin with anyway.
(Would you like to supersize that order Sir?)


This was the main plan to begin with????
Do you really believe this?

Let me see. Spend untold billions on another
airline in distress. Almost go BK yourself for
doing so. And all this was part of the plan to
begin with?

Makes sense to me!
"Would you believe that AA managment at STL has locked up bathrooms
in the breakrooms due to graffti on the bathroom walls.
This has come from the vp of operations.
I guess aa is living up to their reputation as a strongarm do it our way or no way company. AKA TEXAS TAILIBAN
Graffti has been around since time began. Go to any restroom in the world and you can find something written on the Bathroom Wall.

Just another way to try to break us down, From the rumors going around don't think many of us will be left anyhow to use the bathrooms that still are open.
That was the Main Plan to begin with anyway.
(Would you like to supersize that order Sir?)"


I know you're mad at AA (understandably so), but don't let that anger get in the way of logical thinking.

One poster said, and he's absolutely right, that this particular graffiti could be construed as some sort of harassment. It may have been that they received a complaint from an employee about it. If AA fails to take action on it, they could most definitely be sued. In case you missed the rulings handed down from the Supreme Court over the past 20 years, companies can be held liable for failing to address situations such as this. All it would take is one employee seeing something in the stalls that offended him/her (say, a comment scrawled about a certain race), and wham! That's major fuel for a lawsuit.

Companies can now even be held liable for information deemed harassing that is sent through the company's e-mail, whether management knew about it or not. This is why you see many companies installing e-mail content filters that remove obscene words. It's rather crude, and it sometimes removes things that aren't obscene, but it's the best the companies can do in light of the legal environment that exists.

So be careful before you start flinging those conspiracy theories...there may be more to the story than you know.