Alaska continues nego's in April and May


Apr 26, 2005
Nice seeing the observers back, and to see observers are still signing up. It really is a better way to stop all the misinformation and uninformed rumors makingh their way around the membership gossip as sometimes started by the company side.

May 1, 2023 | Headline

May 1, 2023 -- The parties held a bargaining session on April 25-27 in Seattle . The parties engaged in table dialogue at the outset of Day 1 as to the issues each side had with respect to Article 7 – Holidays.
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Nice seeing the observers back, and to see observers are still signing up. It really is a better way to stop all the misinformation and uninformed rumors makingh their way around the membership gossip as sometimes started by the company side.

May 1, 2023 | Headline

May 1, 2023 -- The parties held a bargaining session on April 25-27 in Seattle . The parties engaged in table dialogue at the outset of Day 1 as to the issues each side had with respect to Article 7 – Holidays.
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AMFA will never get them a contract. They’ll be removed way before that ever happens because AMFA is just an absolutely terrible horrible Union.
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Alaska's AMT's getting more language TA'd for contract. One of many contracts being nego by AMFA currently.

Jul 30, 2023 | Headline

July 13, 2023 -- The parties held a three-day bargaining session July 10-12 in Seattle to continue bargaining toward a successor collective bargaining agreement (CBA).
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Why does this SWA mech guy flood the forums, everyone knows his airline sucks.
Yea, sucks so bad that it's the #1 LCC in the market. Sucks so bad that it's the most favored airline by passengers, sucks so bad that it was awarded the best airline to use by biz co's rated in Fortune magazine.
If my airline sucks, hate to see where your airline lands...
And the last airline to get a TA for pilots and FA and always playing catch up while their mechanics work like dogs and have no scope. all but while bragging about being the highest paid mechanics.
If u dont know what being #1 LLC means, its being the #1 low cost carrier aka cheapo airline, hint low cost, low respect, no standard.
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Funny how you are only posting where I post. I am onto your game and it will no longer work. BTW; watch SWA become #3 of the big 4 soon and you will cry in your beer...
your only come back is "watch" and strawman. when you come back to reality and realize with your very own eyes how pathetic it really is. Thats the "Gotcha" moment. SNL didnt make up those sketches for no reason.

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