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American Airlines stranded thousands over July 4 th


Jul 15, 2019
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American Airlines stranded me and thousands on east coast July 4th weekend. Blaming it on weather. Total lie. Real reason work slow down. Had to rent car and drive 2 days to get back to ny. Goodbye AA forever.
I doubt the entire thing was strictly slowdown. There was bad weather in parts of the country. Crews do time out. It cld been anything but not solely slowdown
And, if you had gotten on an airplane that experienced severe turbulence due to the weather, no doubt you would be on here protesting the fact that AA put you at risk for your life by flying in bad weather. We will miss you. (not)
This is a good example of ones you wonder how they find the airport
No accusations here, just facts. My family has flown somewhere over the last three weeks. Over those three weeks, three of the flights have had delays and two was cancelled. The one cancel was coming back from a city with only two flights a day...had to travel the US to get back, and the second was international, had to scramble, grab a train to another city, sitting at nine (D1) on the standby list and oversold by 16, somehow got on...gotta love those "No Answer" customers and non revs...Anyway, rather a customer or non rev, if this slowdown were true, it would be hurting us all...I don't think that's the case.
If it WAS a slowdown, UNITED proved long ago that CHAOS WORKS !!
IT would be the ONLY WAY to get Parker to the table, and finalize this friggin' mess that is LAA/LUS !!
American Airlines stranded me and thousands on east coast July 4th weekend. Blaming it on weather. Total lie. Real reason work slow down. Had to rent car and drive 2 days to get back to ny. Goodbye AA forever.
So being on a holiday has nothing to do with it? What you don't realize is the airlines run lower amounts of crews on holidays compared to reg schedules, and along with some severe weather in the south that disrupted a number of flights South and over on the East coast including NY. In some areas flight schedules are cut in half and some even more. And also, did you not know that AA, SWA and UAL are all required by the FAA to ground the Max 8's "FOR SAFETY REASONS"? AA has 24 grounded which equals about 115 flights per day being canceled completely, not just delayed. C'mon guy, give the airlines a break, it's the FAA (your government) that grounded these aircraft.
You claim yourself and "thousands of others" were stranded. That would be more related to weather and the Max cancellations, NOT a work slowdown as you are suggesting. Let's also not forget there is a TRO and maybe soon to be a perm. one in place and ordered by the Judge, not a single mechanic at AA will risk his job by pulling some kind of slowdown as you are suggesting.
My thoughts are you are here to try and get some reactions from someone in order to let him/her to stick their foot in their mouth for more evidence foe AA in their work slowdown claim and suit. Your fishing in the wrong lake. Sure hope your wearing your life jacket...

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