American Troops Fight For Democracy


Sep 28, 2003
I read this morning where there were forces in Afganistan working to rob the population of a fair and democratic election there. U.S. troops and Afgani forces were in a battle to keep local War Lords from intimitading the Afganistani population from voting.

I couldn't help but notice the parallel to our efforts to keep the TWU and the company from disrupting the Mechanics and Related's right to enjoy the freedom of a fair and democratic election for representation.

My God, how can we lead the world toward democracy when we cannot even acheive it ourselves!

Stranger yet why would anyone work to acheive the elimination of our right to a fair and free election here in the United States?
proAMFA said:
I read this morning where there were forces in Afganistan working to rob the population of a fair and democratic election there. U.S. troops and Afgani forces were in a battle to keep local War Lords from intimitading the Afganistani population from voting.

I couldn't help but notice the parallel to our efforts to keep the TWU and the company from disrupting the Mechanics and Related's right to enjoy the freedom of a fair and democratic election for representation.

My God, how can we lead the world toward democracy when we cannot even acheive it ourselves!

Stranger yet why would anyone work to acheive the elimination of our right to a fair and free election here in the United States?
