An Offensively Stupid Idea


Jan 8, 2003
"Pittsburgh International Airport officials want $24 million in federal funding to subsidize the cost of airlines sending connecting flights here instead of through congested Northeast airports."

Article mentions PHL and US Airways.

Sometimes airport officials, who you think would be smarter, would understand the economics of the airport/airline relati0onship. Or, these are the things they have to say to as a result of the positions they hold.
All of this Federal funding (Money the Feds confiscated through threat of force from you and I) is nothing but a slush fund. These officials in PIT are smart and know how the gig works. They will just use this slush fund to line their pockets or get jobs for their cronnies or family members. Our government is corrupt to the core at every level.
With morons like that running the airport, perhaps that is part of the reason Usair left in the first place......
With morons like that running the airport, perhaps that is part of the reason Usair left in the first place......

No question. What a beautiful and totally underutilized facility they have, but who knows what goes on behind closed doors...with LCC AND PIT airport officials. I've heard things, not complementary to the politicians that make the decisions. I just don't know why they would rather it sit idle than make a deal to keep air service above RJ levels.

Just my opinion...

Driver B)
First off, Dan Onorato is a putz pure and simple. Nothing more need be said regarding the airport authority as they've elected to be run by a putz.

What many do not know is that according to a then Senior Executive, US was within ten minutes of a deal when David Bronner said something in the media that offended the tender sensibilities of the airport authority who then killed the deal.

Now the mirrors reflection shows them for the Jackasses they are and they come up with a hair brained scheme more credible on Fantasy Island (Look Boss the Plane) than in reality.

What can you expect from a community that's still waiting for Big Steel's revival?
They are wasting their time, from an AP story today on Yahoo.

This is a story about dying counties.
Dying counties in the U.S. were rare until the 1960s, when the baby boom ended. By 1973, as farming communities declined, roughly 515 counties — mostly in the Great Plains — reported natural decrease. The phenomenon then began to show up in industrial regions, such as upstate New York and California. Natural decrease peaked in 2002 at a record 985, or 1 in 3 counties, before increasing births and an influx of Hispanic immigration helped add to county populations during the housing boom.

Following the recent recession, birth rates have dropped to the lowest in a century. Preliminary census numbers for 2007-09 now show that the number of dying counties is back on the upswing.
Recent additions include Pittsburgh and its surrounding counties.[quote/]
That's the dumbest thing you've ever posted

Alleghenny County put up Dan Onorato to run for Governor as a Democrat in a state with a democratic majority and the putz still lost. How many times must one spell L-O-S-E-R when describing Western PA Politicians. While they may not be waiting for Big Steel to return they do have a woeful habit of fighting last years war.
Alleghenny County put up Dan Onorato to run for Governor as a Democrat in a state with a democratic majority and the putz still lost. How many times must one spell L-O-S-E-R when describing Western PA Politicians. While they may not be waiting for Big Steel to return they do have a woeful habit of fighting last years war.
Yes but Republican Jim Roddey was the county commissioner (and probably the worst one ever) when the usair deal went south, and from what I was told, he was the one that decided to call usair's bluff.
The population is shrinking, the O&D sucks, never ever going to be utilized to the Airports physical potential.
Boondogle comes to mind.
Cute comment but meaningless as usual.
Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the country and not shrinking like the rust belt cities are! Of the top 10 there are only three old rust belt cities NY, PHL and CHI and they are all contracting! The 90's and early 2000s when palces like PIT and CLE seemed to be revived was only a blimp on the RADAR as they all continue to shrink. Phoenix is way more viable now and well into the future then PIT.

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