analyst''s, and the street like the new deal

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
Analysts at investment banks Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. raised their ratings on the stock.

AMR is likely to avert bankruptcy, for now, wrote J.P. Morgan analyst Jamie Baker, who raised his rating on the stock to ''neutral'' from ''underweight.'' The AMR cost structure is significantly improved.

The revenue and profit outlook remains bleak, but labor concessions will help AMR return to the black when demand recovers, wrote Goldman analyst Glenn Engel, who raised his AMR rating to outperform from underperform.
Currently trading ($2.90) for more than double its Monday morning low ($1.30). Great news!
They must like the new deal, AMR is up 35% for the day right now.
On 4/1/2003 12:42:37 PM bagsmasher wrote:

They must like the new deal, AMR is up 35% for the day right now.


Did you cash in today, it''ll be down at least 25% tomorrow?

The war will continue to drag it to the lower two''s.
This industry has suffered two extreme downturns since Deregulation prior to the current one. Each cycle is more extreme, however so are the recoveries. The recoveries come quick, within two years and last a long time despite common perception.
During these bust cycles the airline capitalize on the fear and disruption that accompanies them. We have been in this position before, lets not make the same mistake and react through fear.
Why would the union agree to a 6 year contract? I have a real problem with that. After the war oil prices will go down and they know it. Alot can happen in 6 years.
On 4/1/2003 8:07:32 PM MiAAmi wrote:

Why would the union agree to a 6 year contract? I have a real problem with that. After the war oil prices will go down and they know it. Alot can happen in 6 years.


Because thats what the company wanted and they would not want to strain the cozy relationship that they have both profited so well from (TWU/AA).
Did you by any chance hear about Koziateks retirement party? He sat with Carty instead of his Union Brothers. He was surrounded by his friends. Carty even gave him a retirement gift, "7000 new dues paying members"(TWA.

Six years, does anything else need to be said? VOTE NO
On 4/1/2003 8:07:32 PM MiAAmi wrote:

Why would the union agree to a 6 year contract? I have a real problem with that. After the war oil prices will go down and they know it. Alot can happen in 6 years.

Commonly called "COMPANY UNION" amongst those I hang around!
What exactly does happen when the mechanics are the only group to stand their ground and vote no?
I meant that after the vote there will be an election.
Just a guess that it will be an outside company doing the voting on the concession.

Is an outside agency going to handle our voting? Or is the TWU going to set-up their own "internal phone vote"?
We will see if the Mechanic vote No. All to often those who scream the loudest, have T.A.'s passed by the largest margins.
Yea thats what happened at UAL right? USAIR Mechanics were the only ones to vote NO out of their company but they made them vote again. Now they are bideing their time till things get better. Then they will bail.
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Closed today at 3.00 Not bad. We will see if the Mechanic vote No. All to often those who scream the loudest, have T.A.''s passed by the largest margins.