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Anyone ever heard of making someone a Martyr.

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Oct 20, 2007
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Ok half the Country voted for and still supports this man. And I’m sure even a good percentage fanatically supports him. No matter what he may or may not have done outside of maybe killing someone (Hush money being really small potatoes) if they do arrest him (A former President of the United States) they are opening an INSANE can of worms and may even need to prepare for violent protests. (Maybe this is what the insane people want)

All we’ve heard for years is that the GOP is the party of “law and order.” I’m sure they’ll have no problem with Trunp being indicted and/or frog marched in court.

You mean former President of the United States Donald J Trump.

If he was just Donald Trump businessman the World wide optics might be very different.

Or maybe in this conversation we’re talking about Alexei Navalny or Aung San Suu Kyi?

Only your truly best Third World, Banana Republic, Dictatorship run Countries have or try to throw their Political opposition into Prisons.

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Is this maybe what they want? Trump generated $$$ Billions of Dollars in Ad revenues and Book Deals. People all over the World were transfixed on everything he did and every word he said. Lots of that money and that attention disappeared after he lost the Election.


Don’t get insulting with me now buddy.

We Americans like to consider ourselves to be better than other Countries and a beacon of civility and Democracy and yet I argue that we are nothing but hypocrites who like to wrap ourselves in our phony moral facades. If Trump did anything by running and being pretty much a vulgar and reprehensible Human and WINNING the Presidency over all those other so called upstanding Politicians was show what we’ve always known is our true faces.

Did he screw a hot looking big breasted Porn Star and pay her off to keep her mouth shut 🤫? C’mon now of course he did. Just as much as Clinton got his knob slobbered all over. How many male Politicians don’t have some soft flesh on the side?

Still my point is go ahead and arrest him for that hush payment. Take that misdemeanor and spin it into a felony. As a matter of fact arrest him a few more times with all sorts of wacky crap and let the World see how Banana Republic we really are.

I mean I don’t think we can hide behind our disguises any longer anyway. And in the meantime give fence sitters more of a reason to rally to his side. They’re not buying all this garbage anyway. (OVERKILL)

I’m 100% positive that I’m living in the Twilight Zone if anyone thinks this is normal (Or even reasonable)

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Yet another process crime being twisted into a felony.

I suspect Democrats really don't want to push the envelope too hard on what constitutes in-kind donations... That will come back to haunt them far worse and frankly Trump isn't worth exposing all the other in-kind donations given to Democrat candidates including the incumbents.
Yet another process crime being twisted into a felony.

I suspect Democrats really don't want to push the envelope too hard on what constitutes in-kind donations... That will come back to haunt them far worse and frankly Trump isn't worth exposing all the other in-kind donations given to Democrat candidates including the incumbents.

New video of Trump back in 1987 showing that he jaywalked on 5th Avenue coming out of Trump Tower headed towards Central Park to join Ivana for a carriage ride. It’s very hazy if it’s really him but the NYAG says they are going to prosecute him for his actions since a yellow cab needed to stop short and because of that a Bike Messenger was struck and killed on Houston Street in the East village.

Trump is being charged with first degree vehicular homicide because they also claim he was drinking with his Brother (Cough Medicine) when he recklessly ran out of Trump Tower.

I don’t think the AG has a case though because it looks like the person they’re targeting if it was him walked out of Trump Tower and didn’t even cross the street but got in a cab right in front of the building.

Oh and the guy also looks like a woman in high heels wearing a tight skirt.
Trump is the most investigated politician in history and.......nothing. seven years of this and.....nothing. If there was anything to be had on this guy wouldn't they have found it by now? Maybe this will be next.
Trump is the most investigated politician in history and.......nothing. seven years of this and.....nothing. If there was anything to be had on this guy wouldn't they have found it by now? Maybe this will be next.

No. The next charge against him will be that he didn’t flush the toilet and dispose of his log when he was on a road trip and needed to stop at a 7 Eleven in Kalamazoo Mi.

Prosecutors are seeking the Death penalty.
So what did you say Roy. Don’t show them my Taxes and tell them I can’t because I’m under a routine audit from the IRS and never stop saying it? Oh lol you got it Roy that’s a good one.


That Tax return malarkey wound up being a major dud too didn’t it. MSM dropped that like a hot potato when they found no smoking gun.
Russia, Russia, Russia.

So President Trump was accused of being a pawn of Putin and that Russia helped Trump win the election in 2016. Trump did say nice things here and there publicly about Putin and even said why can’t we try to get along with Russia. Oh that Evil Bastard Trump.

So Russia invaded and took over Crimea under Obama and invaded the Donbas under Biden. Russia didn’t do anything though when they had their Trump puppet in office? How weird.

And now this. This is a good thing right?

And this was also something done under President Trump. Well at least for now that’s holding and why the Military Industrial Complex had to move their weapons of death over to Ukraine. Globalists love War.

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