Attention all Pilots, Flight Attendants, Mechanics, ect.


Jan 5, 2003
Even if you convince 100% of the pax that management is to blame, what exactly will that accomplish?

Will it get you a better deal in Chapter 11?

Do you think the pax will lobby Carty to give you more?

Educating the pax is all well and good, but what do you hope to achieve?

And don't worry about running off the pax - their absence is the real problem behind this mess already. They're already gone.

Another thing: If you're so convinced that you are right, then won't the pax already know that you are right and management is wrong? Or are the pax too stupid to figure that out for themselves?

Besides, nothing enhances the airport experience like navigating around some labor "educators."

And full page ads? You may want to conserve cash - for when the unemployment runs out.
When the company files for Bankruptcy and attempts to blame labor, we should all be organized together and distribute factual literature to the passenger traffic about what really happened. We should pull our financial resources together and buy advertisements in the local newspapers for telling our side.

This is not an attempt to run passengers off, but the facts should be told.

AA Mangement is attempting to railroad us and make us look like we are the problem.

Every airport in the nation should be represented by uniformed unionized professionals stating the facts as we know them.

Just a thought to ponder, I have no authority to organize such events but I will sure spend my free time distributing.
On 4/12/2003 3:58:06 PM FWAAA wrote:

Even if you convince 100% of the pax that management is to blame, what exactly will that accomplish?

Will it get you a better deal in Chapter 11?

Do you think the pax will lobby Carty to give you more?

Educating the pax is all well and good, but what do you hope to achieve?

And don''t worry about running off the pax - their absence is the real problem behind this mess already. They''re already gone.

Another thing: If you''re so convinced that you are right, then won''t the pax already know that you are right and management is wrong? Or are the pax too stupid to figure that out for themselves?

Besides, nothing enhances the airport experience like navigating around some labor "educators."

And full page ads? You may want to conserve cash - for when the unemployment runs out.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah,

Did you have to have 30 meetings to come up with all that garbage?
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I hope you don''t respond to pax questions at your "educational" sessions with "blah blah blah" - I don''t think that will endear them to your cause.
You are missing the point. There is no more money. Something we are all going to learn to tell our children a lot more if the TA is approved and a heck of a lot more if we go into BK and come out about 75% of what we are now.
On 4/12/2003 3:50:27 PM RV4 wrote:

When the company files for Bankruptcy and attempts to blame labor, we should all be organized together and distribute factual literature to the passenger traffic about what really happened. We should pull our financial resources together and buy advertisements in the local newspapers for telling our side.

This is not an attempt to run passengers off, but the facts should be told.

AA Mangement is attempting to railroad us and make us look like we are the problem.

Every airport in the nation should be represented by uniformed unionized professionals stating the facts as we know them.

Just a thought to ponder, I have no authority to organize such events but I will sure spend my free time distributing.

What facts do you want to give the too few passengers? The fact is that too many probably feel like I do, the hassle is not worth the destination, so they drive or don''t go at all.

The shortage of travellers is the problem, particularly the ones that take the econo lines until or unless they need the premium that the "full service " carriers provide.

Tried to go to the REAL Paris on SWA lately? Do you want to either take a taxi from Love field to DFW or maybe from Islip to JFK? That is when the pax appreciate AA et al, the rest of the time they have all sorts of reasons to go discount.
What if? AA is going to BK with the TA''s or not. Carty has hinted enough times, so all his buddys have time to sell their AMR shares.
OK, so let's sit on our duffs and do nothing.

Let management and Carty make you into puiblic enemy number one.

Our ship is sunk.
On 4/13/2003 7:24:23 AM Bob Owens wrote:

Check the TULSA WORLD today.
We put in a full page ad.
Sure enough, A FULL PAGE AD in the "Local" section of the Sunday Tulsa World.

I always knew the guys from New York would have a plan of some kind, they always do.

Yesterday the World had a big FEAR story from Yingst, Today a Full Page Vote No Ad...

I wonder what the confused folks from inside the 46 mile Tulsa radius are going to do now?

Do you think AA will show that Ad in Jetnet, under their reprinted news section?

Who cares how you feel? You and those like you, the authors of the B-Scale and succesive give back jobs programs. The advocates of wage and benefits give backs. Your "union" fought hard to keep Right To Work out of Oklahoma, you lost that attempt. Now with the membership still wearing the "Vote No on Right To Work" t-shirts and the bumper stickers; "Don''t Lower Wages; Oppose Right To Work" on toolboxes and cars, you are advocating lower wages and benefits. What is it that you really want? Are you attempting to raise the standards of the working men and women of the state of Oklahoma? Your attempts are just failures. Now using the same methods you are not only lower wages and benefits for the workers in Oklahoma, you have spread your disease to the working men and women of the United States. Come, TWU lead and the IAM shall follow!
Wow!! A "VOTE NO" ad! That''s going to Help? Whats truly amazing is not the FEAR of the Vote yes crowd but the IGNORANCE of the "Vote No" crowd! Can you please tell me what informing the public is going to help? Who is going to care? We are now in the middle of a cold cruel process of pre-BK negotiations. We will either negotiate our own poison and keep some form of a CBA, or a Court will grant the companys request to dismiss the entire deal and we can essentially be Non-Union! The odds are very small that we will be sitting down and negotiating a better deal. If we do get to negotiate again it will be for a WORSE deal. There is no Good outcome here! There will be no Judge Waupner we can plead our case to who will cut managements pay and reduce their unfair Holiday allotment. And there''s certainly nothing AMFA and that little weenie del-Femine can do to help us either. Heck, they''ve never been able to save themselves. ITS TIME TO BE MEN AND DEAL WITH REALITY!! NOT EMOTION!!
On 4/13/2003 11:31:40 AM AAmech wrote:

Wow!! A "VOTE NO" ad! That''s going to Help? Whats truly amazing is not the FEAR of the Vote yes crowd but the IGNORANCE of the "Vote No" crowd! Can you please tell me what informing the public is going to help? Who is going to care? We are now in the middle of a cold cruel process of pre-BK negotiations. We will either negotiate our own poison and keep some form of a CBA, or a Court will grant the companys request to dismiss the entire deal and we can essentially be Non-Union! The odds are very small that we will be sitting down and negotiating a better deal. If we do get to negotiate again it will be for a WORSE deal. There is no Good outcome here! There will be no Judge Waupner we can plead our case to who will cut managements pay and reduce their unfair Holiday allotment. And there''s certainly nothing AMFA and that little weenie del-Femine can do to help us either. Heck, they''ve never been able to save themselves. ITS TIME TO BE MEN AND DEAL WITH REALITY!! NOT EMOTION!!

Any activity is going to do more than your pathetic Liberal Funding Strength in Numbers group is doing!
On 4/13/2003 11:31:40 AM AAmech wrote:

Wow!! A "VOTE NO" ad! That''s going to Help? Whats truly amazing is not the FEAR of the Vote yes crowd but the IGNORANCE of the "Vote No" crowd! Can you please tell me what informing the public is going to help?

The primary target is Tulsa Workers who have been fed nothing but fear and speculation of the worst case scenario. Informing the public is an added bonus so if the company is successful at abrogating our contract they will understand why Strike.

Who is going to care? We are now in the middle of a cold cruel process of pre-BK negotiations. We will either negotiate our own poison and keep some form of a CBA, or a Court will grant the companys request to dismiss the entire deal and we can essentially be Non-Union!

Negotiate our own poison, so in other words we should kill ourselves instead of fighting? Is that what unions have become? A Jim Jones inspired cult? Come drink the cool aid? If this goes through we are essentailly a non-union shop.

The odds are very small that we will be sitting down and negotiating a better deal. If we do get to negotiate again it will be for a WORSE deal.

The law says they have to make an offer, that offer must be neccisary, fair and equitable before the judge rejects it. So far NO labor contracts have been rejected in this latest round of bankruptcies. Other carriers came to agreements that left most of thier language and workrules still superior to ours.

There is no Good outcome here! There will be no Judge Waupner we can plead our case to who will cut managements pay and reduce their unfair Holiday allotment. And there''s certainly nothing AMFA and that little weenie del-Femine can do to help us either. Heck, they''ve never been able to save themselves. ITS TIME TO BE MEN AND DEAL WITH REALITY!! NOT EMOTION!!

If your definition of being a man is dropping your pants and grabbing your ankles to allow Don, as in Donald, have his way I''ll pass. My definition of a man is one that will fight for what is right and defend what is his. This agreement appeals more to the men of what I ascribe to your definition.
