ATTENTION Membership of D.L. 141-M 2ND round


Aug 22, 2002
Well said Cav. Either we get this thing done, and then move on to fighting on who we want representing us, or the judge throws the contract out and the company does what it wishes. Some say then we strike and the airline closes its doors. Remember, Dave has done everything he has said he would do, and the judge has given the company every request it has made (witness the lessors with 67 more unwanted aircraft on their hands). This second vote is Dave keeping his promise of trying to be labor friendly. Do I like this deal? No, frankly it sucks. The IAM has harmed my department much more than any of you can imagine (except for AOG-N-IT). Dave will most certainly impose what he has said he will ask of the court, and enough will work for what he will most certainly get from the court, and replacement workers will fill in the gaps. He has said he will not let one group bring the compnay down, and I believe him. He could have just waited until next Tuesday and gotten it. The mechanics have made their unhappiness known. Now it is time to do what it is going to take to allow everyone to move onto the IAM-AMFA decision. My work group would most likely just prefer to go back on MSP, we did not ask to represented in the first place.

There will still be a vocal group encouraging you to vote it down again, and they make a convincing sounding argument. Remember though, this is not about them, it is not about bringing down the image of mechanics in the industry, this is about YOUR future. Whatever is done here, only pertains to YOU. Just because you bring the company down in the name of industry solidarity, will an AA, NW, or UA mechanic put food on your table? Will they make your mortgage payment? Most certainly not.
Hello to all my Fellow Mechanics: I thought it necessary to post this since everyone seems to have a gut reaction to the latest turn of events. Knowing many of you and hearing very many of you talking in the hangers prompted this post. Everyone is crying AMFA, and VOTE No the second time with a 90 percent margin, not just 57 percent. Well fellows here is the big problem. Now is NOT the time to be making your stand. AMFA cannot help because that just doesn’t happen overnight, go to their web site and read for yourself, there is a waiting period involved. Also we are in bankruptcy and the rules are NOT in our favor in this situation. Everyone is saying the judge will treat us better. Wrong, he will do what is necessary for all parties involved, and since we refuse to play along he will simply force us to, with very dire results for everyone of us. Like it or not, that is what will happen. Now is NOT the time to scream at the IAM for this mess by a No vote. Vote No out of anger, then you vote away any kind of future you might have had Vote Yes, then the time will come for a new union and restored wages and benefits, it’s really that simply. Hate me, hate Dave, hate the world it doesn’t matter, reality is reality. Vote No and put not only yourself into hard times out of needless pride, but also your family and other peoples’ families as well! Deal with the issues at hand, vote Yes, that is all we can really do here, then get through it and move on to better times. Vote No, and put yourself into tough times instantly. We could have gone to the judge on the 10th, but we were given another chance to come to our senses. Also, don’t throw away your letters from Dave, let your wife read it too, after all, she and your kids will be affected by your decision.
Remember: The proud and righteous man always feels mistreated.

I agree with your post and thoughts. This vote is not the arena to decide the representational issue. The AMFA/IAM decision needs to be done through the NMB process.

Well-written post.

[P cl***=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN style=FONT-FAMILY: Arial][FONT size=3]Through all these tough times as of late, US Airways has been able to remain a solid performer.[SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]We can thank ourselves (employees) for that.[SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]Although some employees (and certainly the flying public) don’t appreciate the role of each department, it is apparent that we have some of the most skilled and experienced labor groups in the airline industry.[SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]And I’m not counting out management level employees when I say “labor groups†–[SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]they’re part of the equation too![?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice /][o:p][/o:p][/FONT][/SPAN][/P]
[P cl***=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN style=FONT-FAMILY: Arial][o:p][FONT size=3] [/FONT][/o:p][/SPAN][/P]
[P cl***=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN style=FONT-FAMILY: Arial][FONT size=3]While the subject at hand is the “no†or “yes†vote for the CWA and the IAM employees, we must not lose focus on running an airline.[SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]Our bickering from within on the quality of our reorganization agreement, or the union who represents us, does not promote a good atmosphere for continuing to run this company properly.[SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]Our customers need a safe and reliable airline to provide their air transportation.[SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]Let’s be that airline.[o:p][/o:p][/FONT][/SPAN][/P]
[P cl***=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN style=FONT-FAMILY: Arial][FONT size=3][SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN][o:p][/o:p][/FONT][/SPAN][/P]
[P cl***=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][FONT size=3][B style=mso-bidi-font-weight: normal][SPAN style=COLOR: red; FONT-FAMILY: Arial]So let’s get out there and vote the way we think is best for ourselves and our families.[SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]And then, let’s continue to put our best foot forward to make US Airways the best airline going.[/SPAN][/B][SPAN style=FONT-FAMILY: Arial][SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]Oh…let’s also try to make it one of the best companies to work for![SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]Best of luck to everyone, and hang in there…we’ll turn the corner eventually and see better times ahead.[o:p][/o:p][/SPAN][/FONT][/P]
[P cl***=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN style=FONT-FAMILY: Arial][o:p][FONT size=3] [/FONT][/o:p][/SPAN][/P]
[P cl***=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN style=FONT-FAMILY: Arial][FONT size=3]I’m just posting this as a simple and friendly reminder.[SPAN style=mso-spacerun: yes] [/SPAN]Thanks![/FONT][/SPAN][/P]
[P cl***=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN style=FONT-FAMILY: Arial][FONT size=3][o:p][/o:p][/FONT][/SPAN] [/P]
On 9/7/2002 1:18:55 AM cavalier wrote:

Also, don't throw away your letters from Dave, let your wife read it too, after all, she and your kids will be affected by your decision.


My name is Liz and I am the spouse of a USAirways mechanic. I have read the IAM Restructuring Agreement in detail and every letter Mr. Siegel has sent to our mailbox. Our children, between the ages of 12 and 16, have also read all of the information and we have discussed their concerns and questions. It has been a learning experience.

Comb through all of the information as I have, I find little to recommend in the package. The following items directly relate to why my husband voted NO on August 18, 2002 and will CONFIRM the NO vote on Tuesday, September 17, 2002:

1. The last minute change (less than 48 hours before the vote on August 18, 2002) to the 401-K plan and applicable percentage. There should have never been a provision in the first place to allow the IAM to handle this money. Monies in a 401-K allow an employee the ultimate in flexibility to access their funds. Funds in an IAM pension plan do not. This illustrates another power grab on the part of the IAM.

2. The $6 million in bonuses to management employees. Perhaps they deserve it, but I have yet to hear a plausible reason. One reason was to keep key employees. If the economy is indeed on the skids, these folks are going to have a tough time finding other positions elsewhere. I don't think there's going to be a m*** exodus. If the reason is because of the wonderful performance of the company in 2001, what are the specific performance areas? Financially, 2001 was a dismal year. Current info is that the bonuses will be given to those only below senior V-P, but my questions above still stand. Bonuses need to be halted, period, since the company is in Chapter 11.

3. The $1.25 million payment to the IAM (if delivering a YES vote), the board seat to the IAM, and automatic representation by the IAM for employees of MDA. Everyone of these items is absolutely unnecessary and smacks of lining the pockets of the IAM. It does nothing to help the employees or the company.

4. Retroactive concessionary money for weeks worked in good faith. Retro money has not been seen in prior contracts.

5. The rather sudden decision to have a second vote on the same contract. WHY? These are grown men and women who listened to Mr. Siegel, Mr. Ford, Ms. Levine, and Mr. Roth among others during the road shows. Copies of the IAM Restructuring Agreement were available in hard copy along with the Internet. This was an informed vote which should stand. Another outcome is what is being sought by the Union, hence another vote is scheduled. My sincere hope is that the count is witnessed by many people to ensure accuracy and an untainted vote.

In conclusion, I am as interested in eating and living a normal, daily life as are my children. Voting affirmatively on this IAM Restructuring Agreement is a slide down a slippery slope. Neither the Company nor the Union is interested in my well-being. Being firm in one's convictions and voting (a second time, if necessary) is the right thing to do.

I suppose you don't want to know my views on AMFA?? I have been reading the Constitution of AMFA over the last several days. I suggest others read it and compare it to your present representation. Be informed.

Thanks for giving me a forum to express one wife's opinion.

Well said Liz,
I'm with you 100%.
Ever think of becoming a lawyer.
I hope she IS a lawyer, that way she can support her family while her husband plays soccer mom.
Cavalier said:
I hope she IS a lawyer, that way she can support her family while her husband plays soccer mom.


Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not a lawyer yet. In fact, I'm unemployed and my husband's paycheck is our sole income.

Our position is to look at what is before us, think about it intelligently, and discuss it as a family. My husband is voting with our family's integrity in mind. We look at our long-term future and firmly believe a NO vote is necessary.

Thanks for the positive feedback. Reading this board along with others helps to solidify our position.


Liz said: Our position is to look at what is before us, think about it intelligently, and discuss it as a family. My husband is voting with our family's integrity in mind. We look at our long-term future and firmly believe a NO vote is necessary.

Chip asks: Liz, if the IAM-M vote rejects the restructuring agreement, the company is asking Judge Mitchell to order the IAM to pay over $30 million in damages. If the IAM does not have the money, all or a portion of this could be accessed to the members. This ruling could have devastating affects on your husband, you, and your children forever. This is not the time for emotion, but to clearly understand the legal ramifications of a no vote and be prepared for the outcome.

Judge Mitchell has agreed to every company bankruptcy motion and if this is an indicator and the accord is rejected, you could see yourself forced to pay the IAM a significant amount of money to pay US Airways the damages, unless of course you declare personal bankruptcy over the issue of your family's integrity.

Liz, this situation is bad and nobody likes it, but it is the position you, your husband, and fellow associates find themselves in.

Chip asks: Liz, if the IAM-M vote rejects the restructuring agreement, the company is asking Judge Mitchell to order the IAM to pay over $30 million in damages. If the IAM does not have the money, all or a portion of this could be accessed to the members. This ruling could have devastating affects on your husband, you, and your children forever. This is not the time for emotion, but to clearly understand the legal ramifications of a no vote and be prepared for the outcome.

Liz, this situation is bad and nobody likes it, but it is the position you, your husband, and fellow associates find themselves in.



I am quite aware of the possible motion on the table for damages, BUT the judge hasn't ruled on it. I am quite willing to have Judge Mitchell decide my family's fate. If the Company was sure of its position they would be preparing to walk into Bankruptcy Court tomorrow rather than tabling the issue for another day. Why wouldn't Mr. Siegel follow through and go before Judge Mitchell as scheduled on Tuesday, September 10? Could it be that Mr. Siegel is apprehensive about the outcome of Judge Mitchell's decision?

We just received Mr. Siegel's mailing today. The company paid $1.29 in postage, untold monies for printing and labor to stuff these envelopes and all for the same information that is readily available in hard copy or on the internet. The only new information was Mr. Siegel's letter which could have been posted on the web quite easily. It is such a waste of company funds! After reading it once, I dislike his tone and find it will most likely galvanize more IAM-M folks to vote NO. on this contract.

Cavalier, you have an agenda as your posting indicates. Your pompus message falls on deaf ears after you name call. Just because Liz's husband is voting no, and thereby not buying your sell, you decided to insult all of us intelligent individuals on this board and ax-grind her by telling her that her husband will become a soccer mom. Name calling and characterization smears should not be tolerated!

As you are aware, no matter what station we are talking about, it will be a big NO vote. At this point we are pushing for solidarity purposes a block vote of over 90% NO. We might not get there but it will be close.

And our position is one of principle. What Dave offers is fundamentally unfair in any context and nothing less than corporate greed. If that means US AIRWAYS shuts down then that is something US AIRWAYS image man Dave will have to decide. It will not be our fault regardless.