BaRack, Worst President Since WWII


Jan 22, 2008
So before you Bush Basher's begin..............

"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of Quinnipiac University's polling unit."

"In a survey of 1,446 registered voters, 33 percent said Obama was the worst president since World War Two, while 28 percent pointed to his predecessor, George W. Bush, as the worst, the poll by Quinnipiac University found."

So much for "Hope and Change"!
southwind said:
So before you Bush Basher's begin..............

"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of Quinnipiac University's polling unit."

"In a survey of 1,446 registered voters, 33 percent said Obama was the worst president since World War Two, while 28 percent pointed to his predecessor, George W. Bush, as the worst, the poll by Quinnipiac University found."

So much for "Hope and Change"!
It's interesting to note who finished a strong second.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Well, truth be told,.......EL-CHIMPO WAS a 'CHALLENGED Individual '.
(I mean, more 'click of the Dial' would have made the ASSS-HOLE.....Certifiable)  !!
If GWB was "El-Chimpo". Then I guess it's OK to call Obama a big eared Baboon correct?
LBJ launches a war that cost the lives of 58000 Americans, Nixon resigns in disgrace, GWB invades a country that was no direct threat costing the lives of 4000 Americans and that country is now a playground for jihaadi's.  Am I missing something here?
777 fixer said:
LBJ launches a war that cost the lives of 58000 Americans, Nixon resigns in disgrace, GWB invades a country that was no direct threat costing the lives of 4000 Americans and that country is now a playground for jihaadi's.  Am I missing something here?
It is what has been screamed the loudest by the talking tv/radio/social media talking heads within the last week that shapes these "worst/best" polls. Look at the congress poll. I think most people polled may have not lived under more than 3 presidents? And most probably couldn't name the last 5 if you asked.

IMO, they all have sucked one way or another. There is simply no way any President will be popular by a large majority of the people after more than 1.25 terms. I am not happy with Obama, and was not happy with Bush. I am very happy that we do not have a McCain/Palin show. That is terrifying. We would be at war in 6 countries right now and our economy would not be improving the way it is today.

Romney may have done a decent job.
Personally, I would have put Carter as the worst, but his late brother Billy abandoned peanuts for BEER! When asked what the president and him had in common, he replied, "We have the same mother!"

Then he chugs a Billy Beer. How can you not like him???
Carter whatever one thought of him as POTUS did a lot of good for people after he left office