Ben Carson


Oct 29, 2002
Progressives biggest 2016 nightmare.

Just as millions are ready to throw in the towel on both political parties ruining the USA, along comes a man with a proven track record for the kind of leader America both wants and needs.
Dr. Ben Carson is Enemy Numero Uno to the propped-up-by-media Progressives ever since he spoke truth to power within mere feet of President Barack Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast, where he cast a penetrating light on the long-time elephant in the room: the dead society sought by Political Correctness.
With a message that reverberated far beyond the National Prayer Breakfast, what took the George Soros-funded Media Matters so long to come out on the attack?

The one thing he may not yet consciously know is that God seems to have already collared him.
Even with the 2016 presidential far in the offing, he’s already something badly needed in dark, turbulent times: a leader of the masses; a focus for better days ahead.
Throw out a lifeline, Dr. Carson, a daily email or a newsletter to help the masses get you where they need you to be: on a steady trajectory to the White House.
Gotta love religious conservatives when they get on TV and speak their mind. Mr Carson on Hanity
CARSON: Well, my thoughts are that marriage is between a man and a woman. It's a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality. It doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition. So he, it's not something that is against gays, it's against anybody who wants to come along and change the fundamental definitions of pillars of society. It has significant ramifications.

Why do they have such a hard on for beasiality and pedophiles? I know the Catholics are into little boys. The argument/comparison is so incredibly lame. Everyone see through it.

Now Mr Carson gets to back pedal on this and he is not very good at it. May be he will learn the more TV time he gets.

He is in a regular interview trying to explain it away. Never mind the fact that all the foods are in the same category ... IE fruit. He mentioned all the groups together and we are taking it out of contexts?

His apology to his employer is even better.
“As you know, I have been in the national news quite a bit recently and my 36 year association with Johns Hopkins has unfortunately dragged our institution into the spotlight as well. I am sorry for any embarrassment this has caused,” wrote Carson, who is the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. “But what really saddens me is that my poorly chosen words caused pain for some members of our community and for that I offer a most sincere and heartfelt apology. Hurting others is diametrically opposed to who I am and what I believe.

Just like the head of the GOP said, it's not what we believe in that the problem, but how we say it. So Mr Carson never apologized for what he said, just poorly chosen words. Bottom line is he believes the groups are related but he just should have used different words.

Mr Carson, say bye bye to any presidential dreams you may have had. I sure do hope the GOP keeps Carson front and center. Show us what the GOP is all about.
Everyone can't be an Atheist, like you, Tree !

This has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with a neurosurgeon equating gays with pedophiles and bestiality. I know you get off picking on me because I do not believe in your god but at least try and confine it to situations that apply.
So you don't think Dr. Carsons belief in God, has any bearing on his thoughts on homosexuality ? you have any?

Do you think God would approve of you attacking and insulting others on this board?

And he who is without sin, cast the first stone.
So you don't think Dr. Carsons belief in God, has any bearing on his thoughts on homosexuality ? you have any?

Believing in something or not is quite different from comparing something to pedophiles or beastiality. Kind of like the numerous attempts to make comparisons with Hitler. Just shows ones ignorance on the issue and proves the lack of a valid argument.

It also shows his lack of ability to separate his religious beliefs from how people should be treated under the law. There are still people who do not care for blacks. Fortunately for Mr Carson his rights are now guaranteed under the COTUS. Something he might do well to remember.

Yes I do have morals. I believe in treating others as I would wish to be treated. Apparently my morals are quite different from yours.
Believing in something or not is quite different from comparing something to pedophiles or beastiality. Kind of like the numerous attempts to make comparisons with Hitler. Just shows ones ignorance on the issue and proves the lack of a valid argument.

It also shows his lack of ability to separate his religious beliefs from how people should be treated under the law. There are still people who do not care for blacks. Fortunately for Mr Carson his rights are now guaranteed under the COTUS. Something he might do well to remember.

Yes I do have morals. I believe in treating others as I would wish to be treated. Apparently my morals are quite different from yours.

Please point out, where Carson said Beastiality and Pedafilia is the same as Homosexuality. Or is it your offended that he mentioned all 3, in the same sentence ?
I think you need to listen to him, on his "Political Correctness" speech! You know the one he gave, while bashing the Annointed One, who was sitting 3 feet from him !
And your the one who pointed out, you were an Atheist !

Not sure how you talk but if I am making comparisons Ill mention them in the same sentence kind of like saying snapper, talapia and salmon are all fish.

Yes he mentioned them in one sentence. Three completely unrelated things in one sentence. He was equating all three no matter how he would like to dance around it.

Hey 'southwindBAG.
I KNOW you've Never read the NY Times (they never have story's or Pictures about ..N A S C A R)....but brother, you need to read THIS article !!!

Be it Alan Keyes/Michael Steele/(uncle) Herman/Alan West/and now Dr. Carson, whenever these guys come along, I seem to always be reminded of that famous childrens book of years gone bye, written by....Harriett Beecher Stowe !