Bob says...TWA will pay big dividends in near future.


Sep 22, 2002
Apparently Bob has been doing some consulting work for international carriers he has been residing in the UK and was recently interviewed by The financial times and Reuters. In a wide rang of topics he comments on AA/BA alliance, how it will finally get done and what the world will look like.
According to an upcoming article in a major business publication Crandall indicates that synergies from AA purchase of TWA will pay huge dividends in near future. Parts of interview appear on a thread at yahoo.
Could you provide a link? I am not familiar with the yahoo boards. I hope TWA starts to pay off before we go under. It has so far done nothing but make divisions in the workforce.
Funny how things chAAnge around here. I met Bob Crandall about 5 years ago on a layover in Sao Paulo. Among other things, we talked about the disposition of TWA's assets, should they be in the mood to sell any or if they went under. His quote to me (and about 10 others) was, "they don't have anything that we want". Now, 5years later, we are going to see huge dividends because of those assets that we didn't want. Like I said, I guess things chAAnged.
Truth be told, I get a somewhat comfortable/interesting feeling, that "Uncle Bobby", is hanging around(in,of all places,) the UK !!!!!!!!

Now, if all of a sudden RLC was to take a job with the competition, then I'd be "putting in my papers"

When it came to employee relations(Contracts/Attitude's toward's us etc.),"Uncle Bobby" was(putting it mildly) HORRIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!

When it came to protecting us from the competition, the man "HAD/HAS NO equal !!!!!!!!!!

If RLC stated publicly that "pigs can fly"(NO REFERERENCE TO TWA DEAL), then you can "bet the farm" that "they" can !!!!!!!!!!!

On 1/7/2003 11:24:40 AM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

When it came to protecting us from the competition, the man "HAD/HAS NO equal !!!!!!!!!!


I wouldnt give Crandall so much credit. He was able to keep the competition at bay because we led the way in labor concessions. This gave AA an advantage over other carriers. The question is what did we win and at what cost? Clearly Crandall won. Clearly AA won. Just as clearly, we the employees lost. We spent years of our lives working in an industry that requires huge personal sacrifices for low wages and reduced benifits. In the end we have less to show for our efforts. Less savings. Less material comforts. Less free time. What is the goal of the worker supposed to be? Is it bragging rights of being employed by the bigest company or having the biggest paycheck?
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Nice going Bob;

You're comments are well taken. Labor will always take a back seat to profit, that's the fabric of capitalism. Or would you rather have it the other way Bob, communism. You see Bob you can't have it both ways. Then maybe you can, they'll be USAir job openings in Havana soon.

Got resume?
Do you believe everything you read on the internet? Uncle Bob was'nt real pleased when AMR purchased TWA. Why the change of heart?
As long as the profits are rolling in, it's easy to put on that show. Some day the exuberant newhires will expect raises, and the shiny new airplanes will require maintenance.

On 1/8/2003 8:25:56 AM capeman wrote:

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? Uncle Bob was'nt real pleased when AMR purchased TWA. Why the change of heart?

False! BC said just the opposite. Felt the TWA purchase was a brilliant move. You can't grow a Hub like STL from within anymore.
On 1/8/2003 6:11:08 AM Bob Owens wrote:

I wouldnt give Crandall so much credit. He was able to keep the competition at bay because we led the way in labor concessions. This gave AA an advantage over other carriers. The question is what did we win and at what cost? Clearly Crandall won. Clearly AA won. Just as clearly, we the employees lost. We spent years of our lives working in an industry that requires huge personal sacrifices for low wages and reduced benifits. In the end we have less to show for our efforts. Less savings. Less material comforts. Less free time. What is the goal of the worker supposed to be? Is it bragging rights of being employed by the bigest company or having the biggest paycheck?

I think Lorenzo(Texas Air group) lead the way in labor concessions - and look how that ended up.
On the other hand, UAL had the industry leading contracts, and look where they are right now.
If your employer is so terrible and unfair to labor, then why stay with your current employer? Oh, you love what you do? Then should salary matter?
On 1/8/2003 10:00:08 AM Hopeful wrote:

Seems that at JetBlue, employees come before profits and shareholders!

"Seems" is the key word. Remember, image is everything.
Keep on drinking that blue kool-aid if you think that at jetblue (or any other company) employees come before profits and shareholders.
Good point !
If(tomorrow), Crandall was to become UAL's "new" CEO, 2 things would occur:
1. You guy's WOULD fly clear of this Severe turbulence, that your caught in,
2. I'd be Shi**ing in my bloomers !

Bob Owens;
"BOB", plz. allow me "to assume" that you "may" not have completely understood my point about "Uncle Bobby".

Obvoiusly, we employees paid a "handsome price" for RLC's success/reputation!
We're(you and I) not airline CEO's, he WAS !!
And, for better or worse, Crandall was "one BAD mother", who had/has NO EQUAL !! ("nothing more, nothing less') !!
