Calif. Grants Illegals In-State Tuition

Calif. Grants Illegals In-State Tuition

Yea, that's the ticket..... :p

B) xUT

That is really dumb!!! No wonder California is in the mess its in. They fill up the state with under educated low income and/or welfare people that do not create jobs. The government must feed the poor or kick them out of the state. Which is it California? You were once a great State. You need to decide if you just going to be a State that feeds the poor and uneducated illegals. The east coast will be glad to send ours over to you. When will California learn POOR PEOPLE DO NOT CREATE JOBS!!!!
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Wow, that has to be one of the most disgusting and ignorant posts I have seen on here in quite some time.

Hey Garfy, U forgot to add bigot and hate. Swut U do when U have nuffin 2 say... :lol:
No, it's what I do when there is nothing worth responding too. His bias is blatant and nothing I or anyone else can say will alter his ignorance or hatred
Yeah ! Why don't they reward people who steal, sell drugs and commit various other misdemeanors and felonys. They're breaking the law too ! :blink:
I don't think you'll find too many people against letting them sign the guest book and pay their fair share of taxes.

You could also abolish income tax, institute a national consumption or sales tax, and that way everyone pays into the system regardless if they're legal or not.

Texas has no income tax, and makes do with funding the state on sales and property taxes alone, which may be a good example as to why they're not in the same financial crisis as California or Arizona when it comes to funding services commonly used by illegals (schools, safety, health).

There's no good reason such a concept can't work at the federal level, aside from the fact that the lower income groups which makes up the Democratic voting base would have to actually contribute something rather than just receive their entitlements...