California sides with the animal rights nuts

Science is not claiming man is the sole factor but a contributing factor.

That much is reasonable and accurate. I'd offer an equally reasonable caution as to what may properly be termed "science" in many cases. Reference to anything that begins as follows, as did the linked article on extinctions: "Mankind has the honor of quite possibly being the most destructive force to ever hit mother nature."...? Well, ANY supposed source/agency/whatever that offers such wholesale BS as that in a preamble has NOTHING to do with actual science. "Little things" like ice ages, volcanos, tectonic plate shifting, solid object strikes from space, etc, have had nothing whatsoever to do with human kind, and have proven far more significant to the environment than all of the people who've ever lived could even imagine doing.

The common "wisdom" among the fashionably concerned of the early '70's was that another ice age was imminent.

Ummm.....I'm entirely unsure of how any of this plays into concerns about abused ducks in any case.....?
That much is reasonable and accurate. I'd offer an equally reasonable caution as to what may properly be termed "science" in many cases. Reference to anything that begins as follows, as did the linked article on extinctions: "Mankind has the honor of quite possibly being the most destructive force to ever hit mother nature."...? Well, ANY supposed source/agency/whatever that offers such wholesale BS as that in a preamble has NOTHING to do with actual science. "Little things" like ice ages, volcanos, tectonic plate shifting, solid object strikes from space, etc, have had nothing whatsoever to do with human kind, and have proven far more significant to the environment than all of the people who've ever lived could even imagine doing.

The common "wisdom" among the fashionably concerned of the early '70's was that another ice age was imminent.

Ummm.....I'm entirely unsure of how any of this plays into concerns about abused ducks in any case.....?

The way I took the quote was that barring any huge natural disasters such as a meteor strike that is thought to have decimated the dinosaurs man kind does more damage than most natural disasters. Most natural disasters do not decimate life on a wide scale. They are typically localized. Out side of the meteor strikes that are thought to have decimated the dinosaurs and the ice age, and perhaps the odd eruption such as Krakatoa, I cannot find any evidence of any large scale die off in a short time frame cause by natural occurrences. I can how ever find a plethora of human cause mass killings of countless species of animals.

I think the quote was a bit off merely due to the fact that if an event is not natural it is man made. There are no other options. I believe the intent of the author was to imply that actions by man are more destructive than most of the natural occurrences. Most of the events that you mentioned would only affect life on a local level, not wide spread like mans actions such as hunting various species of whales to near extinction as well as countless other species of animals in a span of only a couple of centuries or less.
The way I took the quote was that barring any huge natural disasters such as a meteor strike that is thought to have decimated the dinosaurs man kind does more damage than most natural disasters. Most natural disasters do not decimate life on a wide scale. They are typically localized. Out side of the meteor strikes that are thought to have decimated the dinosaurs and the ice age, and perhaps the odd eruption such as Krakatoa, I cannot find any evidence of any large scale die off in a short time frame cause by natural occurrences. I can how ever find a plethora of human cause mass killings of countless species of animals.

I think the quote was a bit off merely due to the fact that if an event is not natural it is man made. There are no other options. I believe the intent of the author was to imply that actions by man are more destructive than most of the natural occurrences. Most of the events that you mentioned would only affect life on a local level, not wide spread like mans actions such as hunting various species of whales to near extinction as well as countless other species of animals in a span of only a couple of centuries or less.
Ahh, yes, the EuroTrash argument! Europeans blame to things for all problems-people in general, and Americans in particular. The best scientists in Europe immigrated to the great USA!

Speaking as a European, the globull warming arguments make their credibility null!

Easiest way out, blame man, so your science research stays government funded. Works in Europe, just like here, except th people are more gullible!
What ban? Diners have their foie gras and eat it, too

The day after California began banning the French delicacy foie gras in restaurants statewide, Antoine Price tossed a foie gras party Monday night at his San Clemente restaurant.
Price didn't just include the banned dish in a gourmet $150 meal with wine that he offered his guests at Cafe Mimosa. He made foie gras – fatty liver from geese or duck – the centerpiece of all six dinner dishes. To top it off, it also was the dessert – foie gras wrapped in cotton candy on a stick.
In a not-so-subtle jab at the ban, Price titled the evening's menu "Foie You!"
He said he isn't concerned about a potential government response. "They can lock me up if they want," Price said. "I don't mind."
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