Call It Crazy.....


Aug 29, 2002
What a novel idea.....the carriers raise fares $10 whole bucks! Hope they ALL can tow the line on this one....what''s next, men on the moon!!
this won''t last a week/ soon as the public cry''s foul, or starts shopping at WalMart Air...the Biggins will lose the $10.00 and then come back to the employees crying foul...And guess what....Gimme more Suckers....cause it is coming around again..
Aren''t these the same carriers who were crying to Congress about how that extra $10 was chasing off all the customers?

I guess they were just jealous that they weren''t doing the chasing themselves...
The ten dollars is not really a fare increase, instead of that 10 going to the TSA it will now go to the airlines, since the security fee has been waived.
Umm, it''s an increase in the base fare. It''s a fare increase "stealthed" thru when the security fee dropped, but a fare increase nonetheless.

I wonder if the security fee comes back into force if the airlines will drop the $10 increase, or blame the TSA. I suspect the latter.
On 5/16/2003 9:22:24 AM ClueByFour wrote:

Umm, it''s an increase in the base fare. It''s a fare increase "stealthed" thru when the security fee dropped, but a fare increase nonetheless.

I wonder if the security fee comes back into force if the airlines will drop the $10 increase, or blame the TSA. I suspect the latter.

Or, blame the employees. At least I know who the Daves will blame.
The floggings will continue until morale improves. The new "mantra" of the Harvard Business School!
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On 5/16/2003 8:17:58 AM TomBascom wrote:

Aren''t these the same carriers who were crying to Congress about how that extra $10 was chasing off all the customers?

I guess they were just jealous that they weren''t doing the chasing themselves...

Of course it''s Congress that wants to investigate this at the cost of $$$ because it may be collusion between airlines.....