Canadian Helicopters

Puddle Jumper

Mar 23, 2003
Could anyone please tell me if Bob Heighington and Francois Richard are still the ops managers for Canadian. I remember hearing about major management changes before...was wondering if these guys are still around? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Bob is in Edmonton, Frank Ricard is Director of Ops in Cedres, Dave McCutcheon is CP in Cedres.

Hey Biggles:

You seem to be a great source of information.

Where can I make a few hundred thousand dollars in a hurry? ( USD of course.

Reverend Chas W.
Lord, oops, I mean Rev Chas, when I find out where the loot is, you''ll be the first to know. As for all this info or source of, hummmm, good one, I don''t know exactly how, guess I''ve hung around the right people for a long time, interest and never learning enough!

You have a word missing, it should be Canadian Helicopter Dogs. Soon these men will work for me. So will this biggles who looks like an empty box with a red x.
Actually, the correct chain of authority is more like this;

VP of OPS > WESTERN CANADA (Manitoba > BC)
BOB HEIGHINGTON (Western Arctic)



HENRY BLAKE Eastern Arctic

Hope that clarifies things a little better or perhaps I just made it more complicated!
That''s nothing, you should see the rest of the names with titles....
At your service M.S.S. I even got myself a face now!

Oh, just a little note here, Sir, no offense, but could you, with all due resect, Sir, use a capital B when speaking to or of me, I get a little testy! Its a "dog" thing.

I get and appreciate the whole Information Minister thing. Keep it up.
Question though; would the initials MSS be in reference or in tribute to the MIA American pilot shot down over Iraq 10 yrs ago? I saw on the news the U.S. military discovered a prison cell in Baghdad two days ago with his initials M.S.S. scratched in the paint on the wall. This gave them hope that their long-missing pilot by the same initials may still be alive in Iraqi captivity. Any connection?

OK I know I'm not allowed in here anymore so I will make this fast. That Kyle DOG is on my tail.

100 Ft, how can someone with so many feet be such a stupid dog? Does your wife know how stupid you are? MSS is my name, Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf. I do not know this other MSS fellow.

bbbbbbiggles, you have wasted time with this stupid face. You do not deserve capitals. You deserve to roast. And roast you shall now that I am in command.

Who are these Oilers? You people have no oil, I have it all. Only I can be an Oiler. You should call this stupid team The Dogs because that is what they are. Dogs. Like you. And I have broken their hockey sticks and roasted them. Now they are stickless dogs, like this 407 Driving dog.
407: Why yes I used to be a quarterback for the Edmonton Oilers when they last won the World Series, (plus I''m a helicopter pilot ladies).

MSS: Thanks for the clarification(s). Is it true you''re now the communications officer for CHL?

m.s.s. go figure why i come to your defense. what kind of dog are you anyway ? bet you're a tiger striped big ugly dog and probably too lazy to even lift a leg when releiving yourself ! bet you have some dog do it for you. nevertheless, you are our leader, and since we're too seemingly stupid to find our own way or elect someone else, we will abide and do as we are told. for the record, i happen look pretty dang good, at least my face is not puffy with porous potch marks, i don't have a huge stubby nose and my beret is not falling off my head! i've got class !

Now, for all of you who have taken this sooooooo seriously, got your undies in knots and went barking at Kyle, please do not end this magnificant playtime for us dogs, doggies and doggettes, appreciate (or ignore) this brilliant performance. Relax, and find a hydrant if need be. We're all in the same kennel anyway.

Kyle, I know you must appreciate this, I've seen your humor surface a time or two. Being the admin puts you in a perhaps compromising position, but can it also enable you to tell the yelpers to put a muzzle on it! Us heli dogs all know that this is in fun, and we all enjoy unleashing our imagination ever now and then.

Time for my kibbles 'n bits !
Kyle, I agree with Biggles on the M.S.S. issue. It appears that most of us are enjoying M.S.S enormously (the DOG that he is) and that the humourless whining dogs that are complaining should post their their objections publicly so that M.S.S (and us) can respond to their concerns.
All of us..well most of us... take m.s.s. as seriously as we did when he was in baghdad on tv!! He was trying to be serious but we all still laughed!
Iam with you Biggles and Reddog. Nothin like a little humour to have a few laughs at. Those who take this serious. I would believe have issues of there own.