Carty, willing or forced?


Apr 16, 2003
What does it matter now. He''s history. A good guy that made some mistakes.

Ain''t it great, AA can file BK anyday and JetBlue makes an order to double it''s fleet. While we flail ourselves on what we''ll allow ourselves to be paid JetBlue is working on taking more of our market share away.

We at AA need to got off ourselves and make sure we continue to service our customers. They make our pay possible not APFA, APA, TWU, or even AA for that matter.

Carty, willing or forced? Its hard to say at this point. He says APFA''s refusal was the end. Wonder if the BOD told him resign or be fired. Just took a couple hours to find a good scape goat.
AA management hasn't a clue of a business plan. My money is on Arpey being more of the same.

I see no hope for UAL or AA. Say what you will about jetBlue, but they have a working business model and from today's viewpoint, they're going to be around long after UAL and AA go the way of Braniff and Eastern.

Since the Bush administration doesn't want a coherent national air transportation system, let's just let the whole thing implode.

As far as Carty goes . . . . good ridance. It will be very interesting to see the size of his severance package . . . especially the under-the-table part of it.
The House (AA) is on fire, smoke is thick and acrid and the heat level is rising.In the living room sits the APFA,who will only agree to call the fire department AFTER the membership gets to vote on wether or not the fire department is actually needed to contain the blaze.

Meanwhile the neighbors are already dividing up the land the house once stood on,dreaming of what they can build on their share of the land, after the wreckage is bulldozed away.(Go have a look at the CAL board on Yahoo..they are positively wetting themselves in glee at the prospect of AMR in chapter 11.)

Fear isn't what I'm feeling at the moment.Anger,Fury and Hatred are more accurate descriptions of my present feelings.
On 4/24/2003 10:01:53 PM FA Mikey wrote:

Carty, willing or forced? Its hard to say at this point. He says APFA''s refusal was the end. Wonder if the BOD told him resign or be fired. Just took a couple hours to find a good scape goat.

Hi Mikey,

Clearly he was forced out. When you have a member of the board publicly announcing his intent to make a motion to can Carty prior to the start of the meeting, it is pretty clear where things are headed. Boren is a politician. He wouldn''t make such a statement unless he was pretty sure he had his ducks lined up. The interesting thing is how quickly Carty crumbled. Doesn''t appear he put up much of a fight. As Chairman and CEO he certainly could have made a battle of it had he chosen to. If it had been Crandall, I suspect it would have been the dissenters on the board who would have been out.

There can be little question that just two weeks ago Carty expected to serve as head of AA until he retired. Actually, that may be what has happened. I can''t imagine his job prospects are very bright.

Interesting how events can turn so quickly. One minute your the biggest of airline big-shots, misleading Congress and your employees with impunity, and the next minute some Mickey Mouse third-rate excuse for an independent union is instrumental in your demise.

Do you think John Ward has even the slightest inkling that his head is the next one on the chopping block? I doubt it. Let him celebrate his pyrrhic victory. Forcing the inevitable trip to bankruptcy court will only make him a target far beyond just his own membership.

Best of luck to you and everyone at American,

"Do you think John Ward has even the slightest inkling that his head is the next one on the chopping block? I doubt it. Let him celebrate his pyrrhic victory. Forcing the inevitable trip to bankruptcy court will only make him a target far beyond just his own membership."


MM, don't be so hard on John. Carty and the whole bunch planned on bankruptcy at least last year. Why do you think they suddenly funded the dormant SERP trust fund? Sorta like the captain of a ship having the only lifeboat hidden away. He must know something, right?
Come on, it was a foregone conclusion. They just thought they could scare us into the concessions first.
On 4/25/2003 1:42:12 AM MrMarky wrote:

Do you think John Ward has even the slightest inkling that his head is the next one on the chopping block? I doubt it. Let him celebrate his pyrrhic victory. Forcing the inevitable trip to bankruptcy court will only make him a target far beyond just his own membership.

Best of luck to you and everyone at American,


Thanks for the kind words, we will need it. JW (AKA) Chicken little, will in the end be brought down. Unfortunately too late for the amount of damage he has already done to the APFA membership.
On 4/24/2003 11:28:10 PM Winglet wrote:

AA management hasn''t a clue of a business plan. My money is on Arpey being more of the same.

I see no hope for UAL or AA. Say what you will about jetBlue, but they have a working business model and from today''s viewpoint, they''re going to be around long after UAL and AA go the way of Braniff and Eastern.

Since the Bush administration doesn''t want a coherent national air transportation system, let''s just let the whole thing implode.

As far as Carty goes . . . . good ridance. It will be very interesting to see the size of his severance package . . . especially the under-the-table part of it.


Winglet, you haven''t got a clue here! Arpey has a very extensive and impressive financial background within AA. He lives and breathes business plans the like of which you cannot even imagine. As a matter of fact, he is what you might want to call a "mini-Bob." As the unions were quick to request that Bob Crandall return to AA, this is the next best thing. Gerard Arpey was groomed by Bob Crandall and his succession to the CEO spot was pre-ordained although this is certainly many years earlier than planned or expected.

I predict that sometime in the future we will read on this message board requests from employees for Carty to return to AA. The unions didn''t like Bob they wanted Carty then when the rank and file found out about the SERP / Retention Packages they wanted Carty out. As the saying goes be careful what you ask for. And BTW, the reported severence package is $1.6M plus his stock options.

I will continue to watch the AA story unfold and if labor can step up to the plate or not.