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Chinese Government Investing in US's Best Private Equity Group

Oct 30, 2006
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Yesterday, the Chinese government announced it was buying a $3 billion stake in Blackstone. Why might a Communist government want a piece of one of the most successful U.S. capitalist, er, private-equity, firms?

Does China want to get an inside peek at Blackstone’s investment playbook as it attempts to deploy $1.2 trillion of foreign exchange reserves? Is the Chinese government “paying tuition to learn a little bit about how to invest in the rest of the world?"

Perhaps Blackstone is assuming a larger role on the stage of international politics. With ties to the White House, could Blackstone help smooth ties between the U.S. and Chinese governments – the two global powerhouses that often are seen bickering over trade deficits and monetary policies? It is well known that Bush and the co-founder of Blackstone are best friends.

Anyone got any other ideas?
Yesterday, the Chinese government announced it was buying a $3 billion stake in Blackstone. Why might a Communist government want a piece of one of the most successful U.S. capitalist, er, private-equity, firms?

Anyone got any other ideas?

Interesting article from several weeks ago!

Equity shrink smells like skunk
One thing I do know: The battle cry that LBOs (aka leveraged buyouts, aka private equity) are the reason stocks should be bought is just a rationalization for speculation. Because just as surely as Wall Street is touting the fact that you've got to buy stocks since the equity supply is shrinking, you can be sure that corporate-finance departments are revving up more supply to take advantage of the red-hot stock market.

In fact, nothing better proves that point than to note that Blackstone Group wants to go public, as do other LBO operators. So, the equity shrink is nothing more than a rationalization -- one that I've seen several times in my career -- that has always come near the end. Of course, the operative word is "near." To reiterate, no one can predict how long that will remain an unknown.
It is also interesting that China purchased less than 10% of Blackstone, just enough to fly under the federal scrutiny radar.

This whole thing is interesting seeing that China is financing "our war on terrorism." China owns $350 billion worth of U.S. Treasury securities.
It is also interesting that China purchased less than 10% of Blackstone, just enough to fly under the federal scrutiny radar.

This whole thing is interesting seeing that China is financing "our war on terrorism." China owns $350 billion worth of U.S. Treasury securities.
Don't forget its building up the largest army on the planet and you need a piece of good old capitalism to make money for bullets and missles. Don't forget about the Kings of the East 😉
Don't forget its building up the largest army on the planet and you need a piece of good old capitalism to make money for bullets and missles. Don't forget about the Kings of the East 😉

Nazi Germany was building a massive war machine and history shows it was not intended for self defense. 😉

The plan has many risks, and the average American would readily dismiss such a plan as madness. But we all should be reminded of the madness of Hitler, who attempted to exterminate the Jews in Europe. It is hard to believe that someone would exterminate people who were quite harmless. However, that is exactly what happened. The Nazis built their edifice on the myth of Jewish malevolence. This served as their justification. The Nazis merely projected their own malevolence onto their intended victims. Today the agents of Communism have constructed their justification for the extermination of America. The Russians and Chinese, together with their allies in the Third World, have carefully laid out their case. We have all heard the anti-American propaganda. It is everywhere. According to this propaganda the Americans are imperialist aggressors. The Americans are murdering millions of people. The Americans are stealing the world’s resources. The Americans are the cause of global warming. The planet itself is doomed unless the Americans are eradicated.

Here we find a variation on Hitler’s theme. Instead of blaming the Jews, it blames the Americans (and their Zionist allies). Instead of gas chambers and ovens the perpetrators will use nuclear and biological weapons. Instead of looting a minority community in the midst of Europe, an entire continent will be looted. The plan of war aims at plunder in the form of empty buildings, infrastructure, machines and real estate. With that plunder comes global dominance.
Don't forget its building up the largest army on the planet and you need a piece of good old capitalism to make money for bullets and missles. Don't forget about the Kings of the East 😉

What an oxymoron right... capitalists for communism. Reminds me of the Jews for Jesus.
Tell me they aren't into it up to their necks then?

Kinda funny,I think.

Apparently, some of the most die-hard communists cannot even control the capitalist desires of their children.

Some of the most secretive tycoons are the “princelings,â€￾ the sons of high-ranking Communist officials who have exploited their connections to make great fortunes. But even those figures will be identified at some point, he said.
In a new sign of China's financial strength, a leap in the shares of Industrial & Commercial Bank of China made it the world's biggest bank by market capitalization, overtaking our giant bank, Citigroup (previously the world's biggest bank).

Thise Chinese Bank has gained 15 percent this month on the back of a rally in China's booming stock market as well as strong growth in the bank's earnings.

I hope your children are learning Chinese!
Aw, c'mon, NONE of this comes(to me)) as any surprise.

Why ?

Because the Republican Party believes(with every Fibre of their being) in ..."CAPITALISM at ANY COST" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really makes you all "Fuzzy and Warm(and safe) Inside", does,nt it ??

Multi MILLIONS of people(here in the good ol' usa), walking around with NO chance at Health Insurance.

Well, if there is any Silver Lining in this Abortion of an adminisration, is that El Chimpo wrestled the "WORST PRESIDENT EVER" designation from Jimmy Carter !!!!!!!

Yesterday, the Chinese government announced it was buying a $3 billion stake in Blackstone. Why might a Communist government want a piece of one of the most successful U.S. capitalist, er, private-equity, firms?

Anyone got any other ideas?

Because the majority population over there is experiencing good old capitalism and somehow they're looking the other way....a rare blend of imported and domestic?
Just when I thought that China had enough of speculating... err... investing in our financial powerhouses, the State Controlled China Fund is essentially acting as a Distressed Debt Hedge Fund and infusing $5 billion into Morgan Stanley!

This infusion will eventually translate into stock, making China the 2nd largest shareholder of Morgan Stanley!

Bloomberg Article
I love how GREED in Washington and the US media no longer refers to them as Communist China 😛h34r: (as they are).

It's just...China, now. :lol:
I love how GREED in Washington and the US media no longer refers to them as Communist China 😛h34r: (as they are).

It's just...China, now. :lol:

Well... more like a hybrid. They have communistic ideals... but their newly found fortunes and their greed craving business oportunists are screaming RESTRAINED CAPITALISM!
Aw, c'mon, NONE of this comes(to me)) as any surprise.

Why ?

Because the Republican Party believes(with every Fibre of their being) in ..."CAPITALISM at ANY COST" !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dude you crack my balls........Like there isn't any Dem's at all jumping on the 'Capitalistic Bandwagon'...Dem's piss and moan about the 'filthy rich' repub's and line up for the hot stocks.....Kiss my ass....

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