CWA Members Ratify Concessions by a slim margin

Dec 21, 2002
those numbers speak volumes..Imagine the next time the good hands people ask, errr..make that, demand, more money and jobs...say maybe around April?(Good Friday would be appropriate for symbolism's sake)
[FONT size=3]IMHO, A sad day for CWA members. The results are what they are be the note below sure makes it look bad.[/FONT][BR][BR][STRONG][FONT color=#339900 size=3]A note to CWA staff members[BR][/FONT][BR][FONT color=#ff3300]Do you realize pin numbers were sent to members who are no longer elgible to vote?[BR][/FONT]This is a fact. Whoever is responsible for this error may have made the difference between a yes and no decision. Very Irresponsible !!![BR][BR]I think you need to revisit your system immediately.[/STRONG]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 5:42:18 PM DaWoo wrote:
[P][FONT size=3]IMHO, A sad day for CWA members. The results are what they are be the note below sure makes it look bad.[/FONT][BR][BR][STRONG][FONT color=#339900 size=3]A note to CWA staff members[BR][/FONT][BR][FONT color=#ff3300]Do you realize pin numbers were sent to members who are no longer elgible to vote?[BR][/FONT]This is a fact. Whoever is responsible for this error may have made the difference between a yes and no decision. Very Irresponsible !!![BR][BR]I think you need to revisit your system immediately.[/STRONG] [IMG src=""] [IMG src=""] [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]you are 100% correct...i know a retired agt who got voting info.... .1 % ....well at least it wasn`t 57%[BR][BR][img src='']
We're all on board now. But I hope it is not lost on Mr. Dave that this is his last bite of the apple.
ARLINGTON, Va., Jan. 10 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Communications Workers of America (CWA), which represents US Airways' passenger service workers, today ratified a new agreement in support of the company's cost- cutting efforts. The vote was 1938-1933 in favor of the agreement.
"Today's vote by our CWA employees to make additional sacrifices to help US Airways achieve profitability is an extremely critical part of our reorganization plan. Each and every one of them faced an extremely difficult choice and I personally thank them for their resolve in ratifying this agreement," said US Airways President and Chief Executive Officer David Siegel.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 6:03:12 PM W:EXCH:INVOL wrote:
[P]Express status, here we come![BR][BR]INVOL[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]no kiddin..cant wait...maybe a sar.....same pay...or is there going to be a sar scale at mda level?[BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR]

Washington, D.C. – Members of the Communications Workers of America at US Airways have approved proposed modifications to their contract at the airline. This is the second round of concession demands by US Airways. Agents approved an earlier round of contract changes in September in which they contributed $460 million in pay and benefits to help the airline.
The final tally was 50.1 percent to approve the changes and 49.9 percent to reject them. Voting by US Airways agents was directed by the American Arbitration Association in an Internet and telephone process
On 1/10/2003 5:23:58 PM flyonthewall wrote:

The vote was YES 1938 to NO 1933.

Thanks for the report. Is this confirmed?

I'm glad to see these votes are close.

[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 7:11:45 PM simfixer wrote:
[P]I think the CWAers deserve a big Thank You from Chip for giving what little they have left to help preserve his Fat pension. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]only 50.1 % deserve it...49.9% are evil.[BR][BR][BR][img src='']
Amen, this is fraud.....going to call my lazy cwa rep on Monday, because as he has stated, He has the greatest job now.....still an employee with us, but he would be working nights, maybe stuck in baggage....He advised me paid cell phone, his own office and by the looks of him unlimited meals.......spoke to him about what happened last time and of course he said it would be cleared up......He is the one that advised me he wasn't looking out for the employees, cwa is looking for new members......