Did You Get The Memo?


Oct 29, 2002
More info coming out regarding the Russia Dossier and it looks like the FBI pulled the wool over the FISA court to obtain it.

I'd hate to be the guy who sold it to the FISA judge.

A memo that is purported to show government surveillance abuse and was at the center of an intense power struggle between congressional Republicans and the FBI has been declassified ahead of its expected release later Friday, Fox News has learned.

According to sources, the memo includes testimony from a high-ranking government official that without the infamous Trump dossier, the FBI and DOJ would not have secured surveillance warrants to spy on at least one member of the Trump team.

It also claims the FBI and DOJ used media reporting to lend credibility to the dossier, while the firm behind the dossier, Fusion GPS, briefed major American news outlets to include New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, New Yorker, Yahoo and Mother Jones.

The memo shoes that after former British spy Christopher Steele was cut off from the FBI, he continued to pass information, as did Fusion GPS, through Justice Department Official Bruce Ohr. Ohr’s wife Nellie began working for Fusion GPS as early as May 2016.

It also claims evidence that Steele has a personal animus for the President Trump.

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  • The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.
  • Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.
  • The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.
  • DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele’s bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president. (Source: Washington Examiner)
Dude I hope you’re enjoying the irony as much as I.Liberals in general and ones in here some who don’t post anymore crowed loudly and even started threads about how the Russians would be Trumps downfall.
However the longer it goes the dirtier the dems and HRC look.
It’s really hilarious
This run away FBI/DOJ freight train is going all the way down the stinky slime rails right to the DNC leaders, Hildabeast Clinton and her legions of filth, and more than likely smash through King Obammy's castle of corruption and doom. Obammy used the FBI as a weapon against Trump to keep him out as POTUS, and he spectacularly failed . We know Obammy and his mindless radical libtard followers did it with the IRS, and now they got caught in the big 'ol rat trap...and it is snapping shut on their neck. Boom-er-annnnggg!!!

I hope 'Ol Grampa Bears makes it until spring, and has his Prozac delivery boy on call when the big thaw hits.

Hey Gramps....hahahahahahaha.
Be nice Hack. They just can't help themselves! .......But yes, the walls of Jerichco are starting to crack!!!
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This is just the beginning. Soon as the Red Pill is distributed in tolerable doses, my Pizzagate thread will make sense. Rejoice the AWAKENING is upon us.
The memo's timing is everything along with the President's executive orders. Schiff is done due to a pedo-gang at a hotel in his district he new about. INTEL->>229941 Pedo ring human trafficking at hotel, Adam shiftys district, he knew, he’s trying to cut a deal cause he knows he’s grass.
Remember 2018-The Greatest Year In USA History. And wait until Hussein 44 the TRAITOR is rendered JUSTICE! Like I said they are replacing libtard judges and putting in Constitutional Enforcers. I hear Soros got a bulitt and Alex is penniless. BTW they are expecting a big FALSE FLAG at the Superbowl held in Little Mogadeshu, Minnesota. Yep the train and everything else proves the globalists are in full panic. Intel is really a goldmind to conspiracy theorists;)
Did you know that President Trump gave an activation code at his SOTU? This was it:
>>229003 “I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.” This?
Jan 31 2018 21:54:16Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 187fba229128
>>229109 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q

That's when the USA chants started. You know what it meant? His message was to all the GOOD people who were BLACKMAILED BY THE HUSSEIN ADMINISTRATION, they were given a pardon. The USA is back and the sleeping giant has awaken. As a NATURALIZED CITIZEN I take great pride in this country!

Military INTEL is far superior than globalist intel. Where is 777 our military guy. He should know.