Did You Get The Memo?

Come back when you can do better than a ridiculous spin ignoring the dirty dems and their corrupt government agents
Come back when you can do better than a ridiculous spin ignoring the dirty dems and their corrupt government agents

If the roles were reversed you would be screaming for investigations into Hillary's links with Russia. You know I'm right.
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To quote John McCain.

"Our nation's elected officials, including the President, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows," McCain said. "If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin's job for him."

Isn't that the same John McCain who gave the FBI a copy of the DNC/Clinton dossier?

If the roles were reversed you would be screaming for investigations into Hillary's links with Russia. You know I'm right.
lol that’s hilarious,Hillary’s links to the Russians seem a lot closer than Trumps.
Not the mention had conservative agents been found to had done this to a Pres,Clinton you and the lib media would screaming bloody murder ,so jump down off your high horse you look like a damn fool,
Yep, one in the same......and he did it again last year.

Thanks for proving my point.

Who are you exactly to call John McCain a traitor? I'm guessing you either got yourself a deferment or decided you just to busy that week to walk down to the recruiters office. He's a traitor because he voted on the ACA? There lies the problem. You seem to think anyone who is against Trump is guilty of treason.

Here's a little bit of historical trivia for you. Medal Of Honor winner James Stockdale tried to bring charges against two POW's for their conduct. John McCain wasn't one of the two.
To quote John McCain.

"Our nation's elected officials, including the President, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows," McCain said. "If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin's job for him."

John is Soros' puppet and the only thing the Dumbercrats can do is cry RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. Wait until Uranium 1 comes up then you'll see those who are actually involved with Russia are the ones crying Russia. Wait for it, your speculation makes me drool at what is coming, since you recite the dem's playbook to a T!
Watch Schiff closely, he may be the first real example they'll use since he's more corrupt than anyone else. He has alleged ties with Hotels that are big child/human trafficking hot beds.

Keep looking at the FISA memo, and of course the dems are spinning that it didn't do what it set out to do, although they were animate about not releasing it. So now since their dumb sheep can't read for themselves, they're going to put out their lies that hypnotize their stupid followers. Then the blizzard starts. Enjoy.
Who are you exactly to call John McCain a traitor? I'm guessing you either got yourself a deferment or decided you just to busy that week to walk down to the recruiters office. He's a traitor because he voted on the ACA? There lies the problem. You seem to think anyone who is against Trump is guilty of treason.

Here's a little bit of historical trivia for you. Medal Of Honor winner James Stockdale tried to bring charges against two POW's for their conduct. John McCain wasn't one of the two.

Wait for it because he is a traitor. He's a traitor because his Vietnam POW story is a sham. He was more aligned with Hanoi Jane and the Vietcong and there are rumors he gave them information. Did you see his picture with that boot that keeps changing legs? It's actually a monitor!
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Who are you exactly to call John McCain a traitor? I'm guessing you either got yourself a deferment or decided you just to busy that week to walk down to the recruiters office. He's a traitor because he voted on the ACA? There lies the problem. You seem to think anyone who is against Trump is guilty of treason.

Here's a little bit of historical trivia for you. Medal Of Honor winner James Stockdale tried to bring charges against two POW's for their conduct. John McCain wasn't one of the two.

ACA? Is that all you got?

When McCain was POW, he gave away how fighters set up for attacks on VC targets and SAM kills went up dramatically after that.....screw your ACA,

Last year he was complicit to a conspiracy to take down a Presidential candidate and help foment a false russian collusion mantra.....Screw the ACA.
Come back when you have something intelligent to say.
Sounds like you got your Pelosi Pants in a knot, kinda like Nancy did on CNN. Your so easy, it's not even fun. You don't even know who your talking about, just like Botox Babe Pelosi.
You're right. Don Jr and Jared meeting with a Russian national who was offering dirt on Hilliary. People who worked on republican and democratic presidential campaigns all said that if a foreign national called them over something like that the first they would do is call the FBI.
You hit your head to many time on a bag bin DTLSD20? Your saying with a straight face that "people" in both parties campaigns would have gone to the FBI if they had Russian dirt on Trump??? Aw Oh!!! DNC and Hildabeast already did that, right? Yep, with the crooked FBI like Comey and McCabe's help, they used a low level nobody like Carter Page to spy on Trump. Only problem is now FUSION GPS and Mr. Steele are found to be crooked liars and in bed with the Clintonians and the FBI under Nobammy. All these bad actors involved are found out to have lied to the FISA to get a court order on Trumps campaign at all costs. As I said little clueless one, wait until this all comes out, you'll go back into hiding in your hole. BTW, still waiting on the Trump "Russian Collusion". Should be leaked by now, right? Nothing but a fake dossier. No Trump charges, nothing.

One of the first things Trump does is fire Comey because he saw him as a threat regarding the Russia investigation.Then there are the numerous people on the Trump campaign with ties to Russia who then tried to lie about it. Then there's Jeff Sessions who had to recuse himself because he got caught in a lie. David Nunes is obviously running interference for Trump.
Wrong. Comey was fired because he's a dirty cop and he was leaking to the press. Who on the Trump campaign had proven ties to Russia? The only ties I have heard of is Hildabeast and Billdo Clinton, the DNC, and a "red reset button" from Hildabeasts failed stint as SOS, and Billdos 500k payment for a speech.
Don't forget Trumps tax returns. The ones he won't release. Wonder what he's trying to hide Russia wise on those.
Trumps tax returns are not required to be released by law, Joy Blowhard on The View-to nowhere needs her script back.

So yes, much bigger than Watergate. Notice how scandals are always compared to crimes committed by a republican. LOL
Yes much bigger than Watergate, even bigger than Billdo Clintons impeachment. I think about half the DNC, Hildabeast Clinton, Loretta Lynch, McCabe, Comey, and maybe even Obammy and Holder will be prosecuted, and some going to prison.
It's gonna be democratic libtards going down and not Trump!!! But we will know soon, RELEASE IT ALL!
More is coming DTLSD20, just wait much more on your DNC heros who lied to you. It's gonna be fun to watch. Maybe even some more of "Clintons Crime Family" will be "committing suicide" in a park at night? Its getting hot in libtardville.....
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