DL continues to struggle in LA


Aug 12, 2004
DL is reducing LAX-RDU during the prime summer travel season when east-west flying is in higher demand

and what DL does with one route already seems indicative of the entire airport.

IN fact, based on the most updated schedules, DL has the highest increase in capacity for summer 2016 among the big 4 US carriers at LAX with a 7% increase in seats. DL's absolute increase in seats is 4 times larger than the announced additions of seats of the carrier that is adding the 2nd largest number of seats among the big 4.

among all carriers, the largest additions in capacity in terms of absolute seats at LAX for summer 2016 are coming from DL, NK, WN, B6, and then AA. Based on current schedules, UA is reducing capacity at LAX by over 2000 seats/day. The net result for all carriers is a net gain of less than 500 seats/day.

that certainly doesn't look like "struggling"
OAG also provides schedule data that you should be able to use to show that DL is adding more seats than any other carrier at LAX by next summer.

If you'd like to note that DL is reducing LAX-RDU in the peak summer, then come to that conclusion.

When you try to extend the reduction for a single market to make a statement about the LAX market as a whole, you will be challenged.

btw, can you tell us what the competitive offering is in that market?

according to current schedules, AA is flying the route just one time per day compared to more than that by DL.
jcw said:
DL is reducing LAX-RDU during the prime summer travel season when east-west flying is in higher demand

See you guys b**ch and b**ch about WT then go and pull the exact same crap he does! Really?

1) A route doesn't make or break a hub. I assume you did start a thread on the AA side about the MIA hub failing because MIA-FRA/VCP got cut right JCW? Didn't think so
2) Delta is also adding SLC-RDU and it is expected that that route would take a lot of the connection flow away from LAX thus less need for capacity.
3) the reduction is in Feb and Mar. That is not anywhere remotely close to the peak summer season.

You guys are better than this......
yes, we did get the point, jcw. You wanted to throw mud, didn't come close to even remotely fact checking before you posted and it blew up in your face - just as it has before.

no, dawg, WT doesn't play tit for tat and pull a random factoid out of thin air that is not in the least connected to context which is exactly what was done here.

AA for the summer 2016 currently has 1 flight/day in the RDU-LAX market. last year they had two.

They, not DL, are the ones that are cutting.

DL is adding more seats and a higher percentage of seats at both LAX and RDU for 2016.

those are facts.
WorldTraveler said:
yes, we did get the point, jcw. You wanted to throw mud, didn't come close to even remotely fact checking before you posted and it blew up in your face - just as it has before.
hey pot. you are the reason people feel the need to troll every single thing Delta does. If you would chill out post like this wouldn't happen.
WorldTraveler said:
no, dawg, WT doesn't play tit for tat and pull a random factoid out of thin air that is not in the least connected to context which is exactly what was done here.
whatever. You posted the same thing over on the AA side trying to start a 10 page pissing contest. You and a few others (not Jcw) are all the same. You have nothing to do with the airline but feel the need to start "xx airline is better" pissing contests constantly on a forum generally used by airline employees.
this crap is better for Airliners or flytalk but you are banned from at least one of those.

WorldTraveler said:
AA for the summer 2016 currently has 1 flight/day in the RDU-LAX market. last year they had two.
WorldTraveler said:
DL is adding more seats and a higher percentage of seats at both LAX and RDU for 2016.

those are facts.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
That is just frickin great for Delta. Send them a cookie or something, but we don't need your trolling here.  
if you think that what I do is the same as anyone else, then you clearly don't understand the business issues involved. and I don't really care whether you think discussing these issues is trolling or relevant.

No one forces you to respond to them and I sure as heaven am not going to alter a single thing I do on this forum because you don't think I should correct a factually incorrect and inaccurate thread that was started by someone that wanted to start a pissing contest.

AA is the one that cut capacity in the LAX-RDU route, not DL. The OP didn't bother to do his own research and if he had he might have thought twice about posting what he did. It took me all of 20 seconds to find out that AA is in fact the one that is cutting capacity and not DL.

I didn't start anything to turn into any pssing contest and notably that thread has less activity after a shift to the LHR new flight than this one.

There are business issues involved here, not pissing contests.

DL is gunning for RDU and is doing it on multiple fronts. Despite the merger in which AA and US combined were larger than DL, DL has now overtaken AA in RDU and that was before the CDG flight was loaded.

Despite all of the talk about how much of an advantage AA will have at LAX, DL is still growing at a far faster rate.

on both ends of the RDU-LAX route, DL is the one that is growing the fastest.
WorldTraveler said:
if you think that what I do is the same as anyone else, then you clearly don't understand the business issues involved. and I don't really care whether you think discussing these issues is trolling or relevant.

No one forces you to respond to them and I sure as heaven am not going to alter a single thing I do on this forum because you don't think I should correct a factually incorrect and inaccurate thread that was started by someone that wanted to start a pissing contest.

AA is the one that cut capacity in the LAX-RDU route, not DL. The OP didn't bother to do his own research and if he had he might have thought twice about posting what he did. It took me all of 20 seconds to find out that AA is in fact the one that is cutting capacity and not DL.

I didn't start anything to turn into any pssing contest and notably that thread has less activity after a shift to the LHR new flight than this one.

There are business issues involved here, not pissing contests.

DL is gunning for RDU and is doing it on multiple fronts. Despite the merger in which AA and US combined were larger than DL, DL has now overtaken AA in RDU and that was before the CDG flight was loaded.

Despite all of the talk about how much of an advantage AA will have at LAX, DL is still growing at a far faster rate.

on both ends of the RDU-LAX route, DL is the one that is growing the fastest.
Sometimes I think you like to post just to see yourself do it. 
If you would spend just a little less time trying to find every conceivable way to twist what I write into your distorted view of the world, I probably wouldn't need to reply to near as much of what you write.

DL is growing the most in both LAX and RDU and AA, not DL is the one that has reduced capacity in the RDU-LAX market.

Let's remember that DL started the route on a seasonal basis, AA jumped in, capacity increased for both carriers, and it appears that AA is backing off with just a single frequency while DL is adding more capacity to RDU which is in line with what it was doing at RDU even before the AA merger.

If you find those facts superfluous in a thread that was started by someone that failed to include even the most basic competitive assessment of the route or the cities on either end of it, then it is you that is posting solely for the purpose of hogging bandwidth and devoid of the basic issues in the thread.
WorldTraveler said:
If you would spend just a little less time trying to find every conceivable way to twist what I write into your distorted view of the world, I probably wouldn't need to reply to near as much of what you write.

DL is growing the most in both LAX and RDU and AA, not DL is the one that has reduced capacity in the RDU-LAX market.

Let's remember that DL started the route on a seasonal basis, AA jumped in, capacity increased for both carriers, and it appears that AA is backing off with just a single frequency while DL is adding more capacity to RDU which is in line with what it was doing at RDU even before the AA merger.
Cool story. 
if facing the truth is hard for you on a topic like this, then by all means ignore me.

In the case of this thread, AA, not DL, is the one that has cut capacity on the LAX-RDU market the most.

DL is growing faster at both LAX and RDU.

The entire premise of what was posted was inaccurate and incomplete.