DOT Tentatively Approves Delta/Aeromexico Joint Venture

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  • #16
All a moot point, DL agreed to DOT's onerous terms, and Jim won't have to worry about any alleged croneyism or purported conflicts of interest.

Ah yes. if the person under discussion is Republican, they are like the Virgin Mary--without sin or error. Besides that I never said that there would be cronyism. Your reading comprehension is being altered by your desire to prove all things Democrat to be wrong. Elaine Chao is a highly talented, accomplished person. What I said is that SHE might see a possibility of croneyism accusations if the first thing she did in office was to overturn a DOT ruling regarding DL/NW. But you go right ahead being a cheerleader for the alt-right if it makes you happy. We wouldn't want little E to be unhappy.
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  • #19
Meathead (Sorry. I meant Metopower), your wasting your time following me around the forum just so you can mark whatever I post as disagree. I really, really don't give a flip what you think.
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