Free Flight Training For Fixed Wing Pilots

HeloTeacher: I can appreciate your comments as I worked for the government,but you also must appreciate that you are part of the government, for the government is the people.

If the process of pilot/ame training was better controlled it would be a godsend to have them under the private sector.

As you and I are both aware this will never happen because there is no standard, unless it is enforced.

There is abosolutely nothing wrong with TC's rules and reg's, they make sence, but who enforce's them??????

As for who gets hired from the government schools, is controlled by the operators.

Just like a computer, garbage in, garbage out.

ATAC, CAMC, HAC, NATA, QTA, etc., are operators agenda and have little or no reference to the reality of the individual pilot or engineer that makes it happen.


Take Care, Cheers, Don