Fuel Truck Crashes Into Plane at LAX

We can all be grateful that there was no fire, explosion, or loss of life.  The plane was headed to Hawaii, but they had not yet started boarding.  No, the fuel truck driver was not an AA employee.  He worked for a 3rd-party contractor.
jimntx said:
We can all be grateful that there was no fire, explosion, or loss of life.  The plane was headed to Hawaii, but they had not yet started boarding.  No, the fuel truck driver was not an AA employee.  He worked for a 3rd-party contractor.
Does anyone in the US do fueling in house anymore? 
jimntx said:
We can all be grateful that there was no fire, explosion, or loss of life.  The plane was headed to Hawaii, but they had not yet started boarding.  No, the fuel truck driver was not an AA employee.  He worked for a 3rd-party contractor.
Just another JOB that the TWU let the company outsource. Way to go TWU!!!!!!!!