happy 4th of July!

dfw gen

Dec 1, 2011
another holiday forced to work for an additional 4 hours of pay! thank you TWU and AA!
other then that have a happy and safe 4th of July!
dfw gen said:
another holiday forced to work for an additional 4 hours of pay! thank you TWU and AA!
other then that have a happy and safe 4th of July!
Yes, what good is mentioning and enjoying a thoroughly celebratory holiday if you can't use it as an opportunity to once again bring up how screwed you are, and have been, and will be, and gleefully highlight your victimization at the hands of your employer and union?  I swear I've never seen such a group so enthralled with their own bitterness and misery and so in love with their being wronged.  I used to think the pilots were bad.
You have perfectly legitimate grievances.  You also have a choice about whether you make whining about them a foremost hobby and your feelings about them pollute your life and tint everything else you see.  Take care not to let your anger and resentment become a part of your identity, it's a subtle and corrosive thing, and before you know it you're cradling your complaints like and alcoholic cradles a bottle.
No one is forcing you.  You could declare independence from AA and the TWU right now if you so wished.  If those four hours of pay are a problem then give them to charity or cash them and throw it to the wind.  It's massively tedious hearing about.
I'll be working this 4th as well, but mine is going to be awesome.
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ChockJockey said:
Yes, what good is mentioning and enjoying a thoroughly celebratory holiday if you can't use it as an opportunity to once again bring up how screwed you are, and have been, and will be, and gleefully highlight your victimization at the hands of your employer and union?  I swear I've never seen such a group so enthralled with their own bitterness and misery and so in love with their being wronged.  I used to think the pilots were bad.
You have perfectly legitimate grievances.  You also have a choice about whether you make whining about them a foremost hobby and your feelings about them pollute your life and tint everything else you see.  Take care not to let your anger and resentment become a part of your identity, it's a subtle and corrosive thing, and before you know it you're cradling your complaints like and alcoholic cradles a bottle.
No one is forcing you.  You could declare independence from AA and the TWU right now if you so wished.  If those four hours of pay are a problem then give them to charity or cash them and throw it to the wind.  It's massively tedious hearing about.
I'll be working this 4th as well, but mine is going to be awesome.
the problem is that as maintenance we strive to maintain knowledge and education to better ourselves. in doing that we have to know or be familiar how many different fleets etc we can taxi, listen to flight crews and their issues all while being legally responsible for our actions. and we get no respect from the company or the union. are we bitter yes, would we trade with you? no. not a knock on fleet service but a two week training program and you are good to go. i made a conscientious decision to leave another title group to upgrade myself knowing in the big scheme of things i would be worth more on the job market then well a fleet service clerk where your skills are not transferable to another occupation. on the other hand we do make a decent wage but if you are happy with your benefits feel free to stay right where you are.
dfw gen said:
the problem is that as maintenance we strive to maintain knowledge and education to better ourselves. in doing that we have to know or be familiar how many different fleets etc we can taxi, listen to flight crews and their issues all while being legally responsible for our actions. and we get no respect from the company or the union. are we bitter yes, would we trade with you? no. not a knock on fleet service but a two week training program and you are good to go. i made a conscientious decision to leave another title group to upgrade myself knowing in the big scheme of things i would be worth more on the job market then well a fleet service clerk where your skills are not transferable to another occupation. on the other hand we do make a decent wage but if you are happy with your benefits feel free to stay right where you are.
Frankly it has nothing to do with my job title or skill set, and I'm not asking or implying you should trade with me.  I fully appreciate the education, training, experience, and responsibility that goes with being an AP mech and I don't take it lightly.  Further, I think it's perfectly justifiable to feel bitterness and resentment given what you've experienced as a work group.
That said, it's entirely up to you how deeply and how widespread you allow that resentment and bitterness to affect your quality of life.  When you can't appreciate the arrival and meaning of a holiday without first paying homage to that bitterness and posting it for all to see that might be a good indication that it's time to step back and assess the amount of time and energy you're spending to maintain this ill will.
ChockJockey said:
No one is forcing you.  You could declare independence from AA and the TWU right now if you so wished.  
Hmm, that's what Facists and other Totalitarians say. "Nobody is forcing you to work so you are free", in fact the Nazi's put  Arbeit macht frei across the gates of Aushwitz. Even in Concentration camps workers were free to choose to not work, they had the choice available to them, of course the consequence was that they would die if they chose not to work but from the way you are coming across here,free will, and freedom was there. Granted we have more and better options but the fact that we can quit does not make what the airlines, with the help of the government and even our own corrupted Unions, have done to us.  
 The fact that you can quit your job is not justification for the suppression of rights that the majority of countries across the globe have recognized. Counties whose peoples were inspired and that at one time sought to be like us. The suppression of these rights, and the failure of our Unions in advancing those rights is the biggest factor that has eventually lead to the loss of paid days off-(Holidays), fair compensation, defined pensions and scores of other setbacks for workers quality of life. A paid holiday is a day off with pay, getting just 4 hours pay for 8 hours work is not a paid holiday. 
Kev3188 said:
I hear ya, but I didn't take Chock's post as the usual "if you don't like it, leave" blather. I read it as more of an "it's up to you (collectively) to affect change."
Nowhere in there did I see any reference to collective action, but he clearly stated "No one is forcing you(to stay)"..  
I have no issue with his saying that we should not allow even what he admits is justifiable resentment to permeate into our non-work life but I needed to react to the flippant "nobody is forcing you to stay (so shut the f up and accept it)" remark that instinctively is espoused by management as a response to their wrongs. . 
12056 posts (which obviously requires a lot of reading) and you haven't figured out the AA AMT's yet, Kev?
Bob Owens said:
Hmm, that's what Facists and other Totalitarians say. "Nobody is forcing you to work so you are free", in fact the Nazi's put  Arbeit macht frei across the gates of Aushwitz. Even in Concentration camps workers were free to choose to not work, they had the choice available to them, of course the consequence was that they would die if they chose not to work but from the way you are coming across here,free will, and freedom was there. Granted we have more and better options but the fact that we can quit does not make what the airlines, with the help of the government and even our own corrupted Unions, have done to us.  
 The fact that you can quit your job is not justification for the suppression of rights that the majority of countries across the globe have recognized. Counties whose peoples were inspired and that at one time sought to be like us. The suppression of these rights, and the failure of our Unions in advancing those rights is the biggest factor that has eventually lead to the loss of paid days off-(Holidays), fair compensation, defined pensions and scores of other setbacks for workers quality of life. A paid holiday is a day off with pay, getting just 4 hours pay for 8 hours work is not a paid holiday. 
Really Bob?  Getting only four hours of holiday pay is on the same level of injustice as having your family ripped apart and being worked to death in a forced labor camp, or being systematically murdered by a totalitarian government?  And I'm the one being flippant?  It's stupidly obtuse and probably on some degree offensive to say that there's as much "force" compelling an AC mech to go to work for reduced holiday benefits as there was an inmate at a Nazi concentration camp whose labor was actually, literally stolen from them.
Bob Owens said:
Nowhere in there did I see any reference to collective action, but he clearly stated "No one is forcing you(to stay)"..  
I have no issue with his saying that we should not allow even what he admits is justifiable resentment to permeate into our non-work life but I needed to react to the flippant "nobody is forcing you to stay (so shut the f up and accept it)" remark that instinctively is espoused by management as a response to their wrongs. . 
Is that what I said?  Clearly not. Why did you put it in quotes then?  Nice try, Goebbels.  I simply said he wasn't be forced, with the implication that he wasn't being forced to go into work yesterday, which yesterday (July 4) is the topic of the thread and the first post.  Never implied he should stop being a mechanic.  That he should "shut the f up and accept it" is also a projected misrepresentation of my meaning and not something I actually said.  But when you have a pathological need to espouse bloviated, self-righteous hyperbole to cover the fact that it may indeed be some of your failures that are causing the OP's grief in the first place, well, I guess you just kinda read what you want to read and hear what you want to hear?
Anyways, I'm glad you're on our side, or whatever.  You're one hell of an American and so am I. 
Happy 5th everyone!
I see you figured Bob out, you hit the nail right on the head.
And I would think my step dad if he was still alive would be very offended, he lost his whole family in the Holocaust and was a Concentration Camp Survivor, his last camp being Auschwitz.
Bob, he had to throw the dead bodies into the crematorium, now compare that to going to work on a holiday to sit in a ready room and wait for a call, or a schedule line check.
I finally think you have hit an all time low Bob.
Bob Owens said:
Hmm, that's what Facists and other Totalitarians say. "Nobody is forcing you to work so you are free", in fact the Nazi's put  Arbeit macht frei across the gates of Aushwitz. Even in Concentration camps workers were free to choose to not work, they had the choice available to them, of course the consequence was that they would die if they chose not to work but from the way you are coming across here,free will, and freedom was there. Granted we have more and better options but the fact that we can quit does not make what the airlines, with the help of the government and even our own corrupted Unions, have done to us.  
 The fact that you can quit your job is not justification for the suppression of rights that the majority of countries across the globe have recognized. Counties whose peoples were inspired and that at one time sought to be like us. The suppression of these rights, and the failure of our Unions in advancing those rights is the biggest factor that has eventually lead to the loss of paid days off-(Holidays), fair compensation, defined pensions and scores of other setbacks for workers quality of life. A paid holiday is a day off with pay, getting just 4 hours pay for 8 hours work is not a paid holiday. 
getting time in a half vs double time is comparable to Aushwitz in your eyes? 
errr.... okay. 
Anyways, happy late 4th to all. Good luck and stay safe. 