Happy Anniversary and your Help needed


Nov 30, 2009
On January 7th I celebrated my one year anniversary of my Liver transplant. I am copying my GoFundMe page a dear Friend made for me.

Our dear friend, Bob Johnson, is once again in Jefferson Hospital.
For those of you who don’t know about Bob’s health issues, here is the nitty gritty: Several years ago Bob was diagnosed with NASH Non-Alcoholic Steato Hepatsis . Several medical interventions were attempted, to no avail. Bob was in End-Stage liver disease and was placed on the transplant list in Fenurary of 2015. From May to August of 2016 he went through 5 “false alarms.” - where, for one reason or another the liver he was supposed to receive was not viable. Bob finally received his new liver, 1/7/17 - during a big snowstorm in the northeast. His transplant team, and the new organs, skidded off the road in a small town in PA. A local police officer came upon the accident, and when he heard the details of their mission, drove the team and Bobs new liver to Jefferson hospital in Philadelphia... lights and sirens!
The transplant was a success. The recovery period is still ongoing, as are the medical bills.
No one has ever accused Bob of not being a methodical planner. Despite this his finances have been done in by the vagaries of the Health Care Industry

Unlike the past where he could work this is no longer a realistic option and for this reason we must reach out to the family, Friends and Social Colleagues. For much needed help.

Bob’s Small family is ill prepared to shoulder the additional burden, what with 80 year old Mom with a rare illness, His only Sister recovering from a severe stroke the resources are not available.

It’s time to help out! If every single one of us contributes just $1.00, a buck, together we can help ease Bob’s growing financial worries, and make a real difference . As you ponder how much to give. Remember Bob’s favorite bible verse from Matthew, “"And the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!' !Please help e help a friend in need

We never know what tomorrow will bring us, we may be the one to need help.

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Brian Hadley

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Medical CARY, NC
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PS Go to Go Fund Me and search "Bob's Liver Fund" to donate