Happy Thanksgiving!


Jan 22, 2008
Though we tend to agree to disagree, butt heads from time to time and don't see eye to eye on issues of the day, I'd still like to say Happy Thanksgiving to all here, on the boards.
And hope you have the opportunity to spend time and share food with family and friends and be thankful for all you have. I know I am!
Happy Thanksgiving to all:
Happy Thanksgiving to all on this board. Be thankful for all we have since there are so many out there not as fortunate as we are.
Kev3188 said:
Just finished eating with the best ramp crew on the system (in my shamelessly biased opinion, of course). Not a bad crowd to share a meal with...
With a large helping of DOUBLE TIME, on the side  !!
Happy... " T "  day, Kev.