how does the NRA.....

i dont take issue with the second amendment. i take issue with how foolish people interpret it.

you know, without the first four words being necessary to the security of a free STATE.

I dont read anything about personal security. the nra does.

the nra is responsible for how the amendment is interpreted. the nra has been infiltrated and funded by a foreign govt. . the nra is resposible for brainwashing people like you Hack.
Your thinking is unpatriotic. you are a cancer on American freedoms.

sorry i forgot to include you in the group of people that can be fooled all of the tiime.

it's radical, not radial.
Insp4 you beat me to it.

What a tool you are Contra DumDum. Reading too much Mother Jones, Slate, and VOX I assume. So I and 6 million other NRA members (many who are vets, active duty military, police, firemen, unlike you who never served anything but yourself) are unpatriotic and a cancer? Easy to offend here on a BB keyboard warrior, whole different story in person. Of course, like most of the nut less leftist cowards, you wouldn't have the stones to make that vile statement unless your wearing a black mask and have a bike lock or a pipe.

Not one NRA member has committed a mass shooting, not one. However a Burnie leftist tried to kill several US Senators at a baseball field with a AK47, that is a fact.

In addition, leftist government officials like Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown in Commiefornia keep releasing violent criminals back in to society, welcoming in illegals and more criminals to the US, and turning cities like San Fran into cesspools. Libtards are now trying to abolish ICE to increase this crime wave even further, and then shift the blame on non-criminal legal gun owners in order to finally abolish the 2nd Amendment. We all know what the leftists want, it has come right out of their own sewer holes, as I will show.

Therefore, the Supreme Court ruling that the 2nd Amendment is upheld as it is written, and the 2008 Heller case affirmed that right. The right to protect one's self, family, home, and property. I shudder to think of what your opinion is of the rest of the Bill of Rights. The NRA is hardly responsible for the interpretation of the Bill of Rights, again your a blithering idiot, the Supreme Court rules what is federal law and how it is interpreted. Brainwashed is the progressive that keeps talking about people having "weapons of war" and the like. Well, like most of these morons, they see a black gun and assume it's a full auto machine gun. I'd love to see a certain stupid Slate progressive "journalist" go to war with semi-auto "weapon of war", wouldn't that be fun to watch.

Go to 41:00 to about 48:08 in this video of the UN/IANSA vs NRA debate and listen to the Soros funded globalist Rebecca Peters get her ass handed to her by Wayne LaPierre after she reveals what IANSA is really after. Ban all rifles that can shoot 100 meters, every rifle made. Then ban all handguns. IANSA: "No to individual armament".

BTW "resposible" is not a word.

Now take a hike DumDum. Your out of your league.
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  • #32
Gosh Hack, did I say all that about all those people?

heller is a misinterpretation. tis why supreme picks are a hot topic.

you are so liberal in your interpretation of the second amendment and my post that I'm beginning to wonder about you.
Gosh Hack, did I say all that about all those people?

heller is a misinterpretation. tis why supreme picks are a hot topic.

you are so liberal in your interpretation of the second amendment and my post that I'm beginning to wonder about you.
Your posts are nonsensical and not really worth my time DumDum. Heller is a misinterpretation? Oh ok, well my take on the second is overruled by the SCOTUS, you might want to take your issues to them, and then get back on your TDS meds.

Speaking of liberal....
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  • #34
Yo Hack, did you hear the NRA is suffering financial hardhips because of Gov Coumo? They shouldve held on to the 30 Mil that the russians gave them instead of giving it to your boy trump.

A Brief History of the NRA
“Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis," according to a magazine editorial written by Church.

After being granted a charter by the state of New York on November 17, 1871,......”

Ironic, isnt it? Started in NY, Killed in NY!

They should have stuck with their primary goal and stayed of politics.
Yo Hack, did you hear the NRA is suffering financial hardhips because of Gov Coumo? They shouldve held on to the 30 Mil that the russians gave them instead of giving it to your boy trump.

A Brief History of the NRA
“Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis," according to a magazine editorial written by Church.

After being granted a charter by the state of New York on November 17, 1871,......
Ironic, isnt it? Started in NY, Killed in NY!

They should have stuck with their primary goal and stayed of politics.
Jeepers DumDum! I guess I had better let the NRA know they are in deep trouble Gov Lippshets has wrought. I think the NRA substantially increased the membership since Obammy disgraced the Oval Office. Guess not.

Those 5-6 million NRA members are gonna be sorely disappointed a feckless libtard NY Governor took them down.

I guess NRATV won't be doing any more excellent videos. Damn.
Only 2 hours ago...
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You and the nra have my Thoughts and prayers hack.
Aw, thanks DumDum but not needed. The millions of gun owners will be here NRA or no NRA, the Constitution and the Supreme Court affirmed it for your lifetime and beyond. No matter what your read in the Rolling Stoners or Mothered Jones.

I'd worry more about what the Blue Donkey Party will do in 2018 and 2020. Figure out a viable message besides free stuff for illegals, Russia, and impeach Trump.

It's not working.
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  • #38
millions of gun owners=Aleksandr Torshin=Republican Party=Maria Butina=Russian Threat to democaracy=You Hack.

You’ve been hacked Hack!

You said you served your country hack, do you live in russia?
millions of gun owners=Aleksandr Torshin=Republican Party=Maria Butina=Russian Threat to democaracy=You Hack.

You’ve been hacked Hack!

You said you served your country hack, do you live in russia?
"democaracy"? Jeezus DumDum, your even a dimmer wit than your buddy one-line Wonder Mutt, who can't write a coherent response so he posts music videos from era when he wasn't such a geezer. Then you have Grampa Bears the CAPS lock king of the libtarded. Whole new level of dense with Gramps.

If your looking for Russians, Commies, or Islamist's DumDum. You might start with Hildabeast and her friends, or Obammy and his cabinet such as exCIA commie John Brennan, liar Susan Rice, or Islamist Huma Abedin.

If your any indication, I can't wait for November.

It's sad you actually walk around this stupid, it's not even fun to beat on you o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O


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HACK JOB, CLIT RAT, southwind', dell, Don't WORRY about ANYTHING that the MORON @ 1600' has going on, because our boy........ ' R U D Y ' has EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL !!

You know, HACK JOB, come to think of it, it is EXTREMELY CLEVER of the ' DEEP STATE ' to use a serious Arse - H like 'RUDY' to show the world that the ' MORON @ 1600', and COHEN, Lied about STORMY,............THEN, got the BIGGEST BUTT SNIFFER, Hanitty, to broadcast it to the furthest reaches on the Earth !!!!!!!!

The GIFT that Keeps on GIVING !

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!
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