How long can the Wikicreep hide to avoid justice?

I remember a scandal called Watergate 40 years ago. Two reporters for the Washington Post had a hand in bringing down a presidency. They did not go to jail.
That is because they did not break the law with their investigative reporting. Assange on the other hand is cut out of a different cloth than Berstein and Woodward. They did not have to commit a crime to expose the criminal activity surrounding the Watergate break-in. Assange created his own set of problems for himself.

What law did he violate. I have been digging a bit and have found a whole bunch of folks ticked off and embarrassed but cant find out what law he violated. He did not steal classified material. He just published it.

I know if I steal information on my own with out instruction from law enforcement I can give that stolen info to the prosecute and they can use it against the suspect in court. As far as I have read, Assange did not do anything illegal.
So the gooberment has a role in this too.

I believe the government has the primary roll. It is there job to protect secrets. he secrets that were stolen were embarrassing not deadly so far as what has been reported. Manning signed a oath and a confidentiality agreement. The government screwed up in their job to protect secrets.

There is a fine line of what needs to be kept secret and what needs to see the light of day. The fox should not be guarding the hen house.
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He's in a box and he's not getting out. Much like Panama's Noriega who was a guest at the Vatican Embassy. They drove him nuts with rock and roll and other means of psychological warfare.

A large dosage of window rattling Rap music. The kind of music that comes from car driven by annoying punks that comes from a low-rider a block away.

Last thing, they need to put that embassy in the dark so Assange can't play with his electronic devices thus denying his anarchist clones a way to communicate with their supreme leader.
Why is he hiding? What does he have to hide?

He published secrets that embarrassed lots of people in various governments. Were I in his position I would be hiding as well. I would not be surprised if were to dispensary.

I'll ask again, exactly what laws did he violate. So far all I have seen is that he published material that was stolen by someone else. Also there is no proof that the secrets released had any military or intelligence consequences. Even if they did, he did not steal them. Manning did.
He did not steal classified material. He just published it.

I know if I steal information on my own with out instruction from law enforcement I can give that stolen info to the prosecute and they can use it against the suspect in court.

He published stolen material. By what right can you steal someone else's property and publish it without permission? Sounds a lot like Napster to me... Just with government documents instead of music...

Stealing information and giving to the prosecution? It's called fruit of the poisoned tree, and the information can be excluded in court. Go look it up.
He did not steal it. I do not know if he violated a law. That is what I am asking. I do not know the legal standards but I do not think copy right material is the same as government secrets

Fruit of a poisoned tree does not apply. Law enforcement has to steal the or obtain the material in question illegally for that to apply. If I steal or obtain proof of a crime illegally and give it to a LEO, they may use it to prosecute so long as they did not encourage me or have foreknowledge of my actions.
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  • #25
He published stolen material. By what right can you steal someone else's property and publish it without permission? Sounds a lot like Napster to me... Just with government documents instead of music...

Stealing information and giving to the prosecution? It's called fruit of the poisoned tree, and the information can be excluded in court. Go look it up.

He published information which put people's lives in danger fighting a war on terror. Ann Coulter does not pull any punches exposing the Wikicreep and the damage he has caused. I kow the Libs hate her because she does not back down when exposing their stupidity.

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  • #26
He published secrets that embarrassed lots of people in various governments. Were I in his position I would be hiding as well. I would not be surprised if were to dispensary.

I'll ask again, exactly what laws did he violate. So far all I have seen is that he published material that was stolen by someone else. Also there is no proof that the secrets released had any military or intelligence consequences. Even if they did, he did not steal them. Manning did.

Do you know who Bradley Manning is? If you do, would you consider his actions crossed a line.

If you don't know who he is:

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Badley Manning is a pathetic traitor

Bradley Manning is a pathetic little 'man,' who is currently facing a military court for releasing secrets - intelligence material - to those who wish harm to Americans and their interests. Really, he is pathetic! I don't care how 'special' his supporters claim him to be - and how ironic that one of his supporters who proudly holds a placard 'I am Bradley Manning' is female - or at least I think she is! Gender confusion, anyone? At the heart of Manning's current defence is the claim that because he is gay, and in the military, he was under enormous pressure, and was distressed, emotionally fragile. Blah blah blah....

Much is being written about Manning, and clear lines are being drawn between those who hail this US Serviceman as a hero, and excuse his behaviour on the grounds he had a crappy childhood, and is gay *gasp*, and those of us who know him for what he is: a traitor, plain and simple, who worked in Intelligence, and decided that he was smart enough to decide what secrets should be shared with the world.

I am no psychologist (although I did crack a few psych text books in my undergrad days) but frankly? I don't CARE if Manning had a less than ideal childhood. It matters not one whit to me that he is gay. I am totally unimpressed that apparently the Military thought he was smart enough to work in Army Intelligence.

Really??? To me, Manning is a stooopid traitor, and deserves to answer - and pay - for his actions. Period.

He IS a traitor, since he deliberately CHOSE to violate his oath to protect America from all 'enemies foreign and domestic.' By his choices, I believe Manning IS a domestic enemy of the USA. He is also an arrogant tool, since he chose what documents he would give over to Assange - another *cough" freedom fighter for truth. By his actions, Manning is saying that he is smarter than his bosses, and that HE is more qualified to say what the world needs to know.

Ok. what proof has been published that has endangered lives.

just an FYI, quoting or referencing Coulter is like referencing Sharpton . If you want to be taken seriously personally I would not use her as a source. And sorry to burst your bubble but it has nothing to do with her not barking down.

So what proof is there that he divulged anything that endanger lives. More importantly is diverging any information illegal? He did not steal it. Someone else did.
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FYI, quoting or referencing Coulter is like referencing Sharpton . If you want to be taken seriously personally I would not use her as a source.

Do you take Rachel Maddow or Soledad O'Brien seriously and would you consider them a "good source", Ms Tree?
Save your knowlegable and Intelligent Breath.
You've 'called out' ......EastCheats...numerous times, and the Best he can do is give you SKANKY Ann Coulter.
The fact that 'THEY' don't like Assange's actions..BUT can NOT tell you what rule of law he broke....ENRAGES THEM even Further ! !