How To Treat Employees By Gordon Bethune


Jan 27, 2003
Q. How did you maintain the support of Continental employees when you had to lay off workers after 9/11?

Bethune: We were the only carrier that didn't use (emergency contract clauses) to not pay the severance pay. (Mistreating) your employees is not the answer. When we laid people off, we treated them very fairly. Our people actually like coming to work.

How do you do that? Trust and confidence. Never lie. Even after 9/11, while we were the first to stand up and say we've got to cut employees, we didn't treat them like children either. They understand it, but you've got to treat them fairly. I used to be an (Navy) airplane mechanic. Do you know how much faster I could fix an airplane if I wanted to fix it?

The Navy sometimes would have officers, just like we have executives today, who think, "Well, I'm a bigshot, so you do what I tell you and you're nobody."

The next time the airplane's broke, and the guy says, "----- it Bethune, is that airplane ready?" And I'd say, "You know, sir, we (fixed) the wires, we changed the brakes, we changed the starter. But every time we engage it, the breakers pop. I'll call you when it's ready." And I let (it) sit there for three hours.

At $30 a hour, times the three extra hours I let it sit there, it cost $90. Or if I want to fix this airplane for you, I could do it for $15

You can read the whole story here:
So, I ask......didn't Dave learn anything from this guy in the 7 years he was with CO?

Bethune also said (quote from Dave last Sept. 2002 when addressing the National Aviation Club) "THERE ARE TWO PEOPLE YOU NEVER FIGHT WITH...YOUR WIFE AND YOUR EMPLOYEES".

Dave has certainly "disconnected" with the employees of U.
Right on Pitbull! :up:
It was also a President named Lincolin who said: You catch more flies with an ounce of honey, than you do with a gallon of bile. Pit these boys are truly clueless. If the matter wasn't so serious, I might fell sorry for them.

By the way, I think I saw a rat shrinking out of the Federal Court in Pittsburgh today. Could it be fleeing it's sinking ship?
When Mr. Bethune said "Dave was quite a find for USairways." , I am beginning to believe that it was said with "tongue in cheek". At one point in my term with U, I always wondered how the CO employees could stand working there. Now, I'm a little envious. Go figure. :blink:
T-bone said:
Right on Pitbull! :up:
It was also a President named Lincolin who said: You catch more flies with an ounce of honey, than you do with a gallon of bile. Pit these boys are truly clueless. If the matter wasn't so serious, I might fell sorry for them.


Davs must've missed history class.

What me run airline?
Maybe "Dave" is Gordon's secret weapon on getting rid of one of the thorns in his side........USAir. :D
AP Tech said:
Maybe "Dave" is Gordon's secret weapon on getting rid of one of the thorns in his side........USAir. :D


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