ID and CS's?

Salty Dog

May 5, 2012
Does anyone know how ID days are treated pertaining to counting hours towards 50% of hours worked in a six month period?
Salty Dog said:
Does anyone know how ID days are treated pertaining to counting hours towards 50% of hours worked in a six month period?
When I was doing the calculations ten years ago, paid time off like ID and SK were treated as a day worked.

Assuming ID is still paid, it shouldn't count against you unless the methodology has changed (which is always possible).
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I was out for two months on ID and still feel terrible so I want to CS off as much as possible until I heal.

My CSM is telling me to watch out because the two months on ID counts the same as CSing off and I will lose my CS privileges if I go over the 50%.

It doesn't seem fair to penalize me for getting hurt at work!
JFK Fleet Service said:
80 Days ID, another 45 days TD, seems like it was a million years ago doesn't it?
damn sure isn't that way in M&R can't speak for you group but mine isn't that way 100% fact
Salty Dog said:
I was out for two months on ID and still feel terrible so I want to CS off as much as possible until I heal.

My CSM is telling me to watch out because the two months on ID counts the same as CSing off and I will lose my CS privileges if I go over the 50%.

It doesn't seem fair to penalize me for getting hurt at work!
Your CSM is correct. Both sick and ID go against your 50% cs allotment. Vacation does not.
You may trade up to 100% of your normal scheduled hours, as long as you "pick up" and work at least 50% of your scheduled number of hours during a six-month period
Hours NOT Considered:
‒ Paid Sick (SK)
‒ Unpaid Sick (SKU)
‒ Sick-- Family (SKF)
‒ Injury on Duty (ID)
‒ Sick due to Injury (SKI)
‒ Sick/ID/Family Leave (SIF)
‒ Suspension Paid (SUP)
‒ Sick/Chronic (SKC)
‒ Sick/Pregnancy (SKP)
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That seems ridiculous,

What if someone is on ID for the first five months of the year. There is no way to make up the hours so they automatically lose their CSs in July?
Salty Dog said:
That seems ridiculous,

What if someone is on ID for the first five months of the year. There is no way to make up the hours so they automatically lose their CSs in July?
Sorry Salty, I can't answer that. What I posted was copied and pasted straight from Jetnet...

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