In a statement on the Senate floor today, Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV criticized Delta Air

john john

Sep 12, 2004
With so much pain being inflicted on so many, you may ask why my Republican colleagues have refused repeated requests to pass a clean extension. They are willing to hurt so many for the benefit of one company—Delta Air Lines. As the Chairman of the House Transportation Committee has stated publicly, the House inserted language on the Essential Air Service (EAS) program to leverage the Senate on including provisions relating to the National Mediation Board (NMB).

"I wish I understood why the policy objections of one company — Delta Air Lines — mattered more than the livelihoods of thousands of people," Rockefeller said. "Last year, the CEO of Delta made $9 million. Delta paid its top executives almost $20 million. Yet, it is fighting to make sure its employees cannot organize for fear that they may secure a few extra dollars in their paychecks."
Are you really surprised that this idiot doesn't know what he's talking about ?

He's a Liberal Demorat, Union-Suck-Up !
This was a bit left-field-ish, and an argument why ALL politicians serve no other purpose than to collect a paycheck. Even IF his statements were true, what's that got to do with the FAA shutdown? :rolleyes:
Truth from the press release

Let me be clear, House Republicans and their Senate allies have thrown nearly four thousand FAA employees out of work, stopped critical airport safety projects, hurt hundreds of small businesses, and gutted the Aviation Trust Fund, all so that Delta Air Lines doesn’t have to allow its employees to organize in a fair and timely manner.
Are you really surprised that this idiot doesn't know what he's talking about ?

He's a Liberal Demorat, Union-Suck-Up !

Who are you to say he doesn't know what he's talking about?

You think corporate puppets like Mica, Issa, or Issakson are any better?

Even IF his statements were true, what's that got to do with the FAA shutdown? :rolleyes:

Did you read the reasons why the reauthorization is stalled?

Truth from the press release


Kinda lays waste to the Right's constant "jobs jobs jobs" mantra, doesn't it?
You'd think DL was something special if they can shut down the FAA over DL issues... or maybe this is a whole lot bigger issue - like much more significnant for Fedex.

Darn those southerners.

Who said the civil war has ended?
You'd think DL was something special if they can shut down the FAA over DL issues... or maybe this is a whole lot bigger issue - like much more significnant for Fedex.

Darn those southerners.

Who said the civil war has ended?

This major issue has been buried by the tea party manufactured debt ceiling crisis.

This reauthorization delay is a result of Delta lobbying by King Richard and his court.

As a result of our union busting, thrifty republicans, we will now lose AIP and trust fund revenue for the duration of this. We also have 4000 FAA employees on furlough who oversee projects that employ a large number of small, disadvantaged businesses. Those employers have had to layoff employees. The government will also incur damages and extra demobilization costs for those projects. All the while our infrastructure crumbles.

Great plan.
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Are you really surprised
I have always been ready to negotiate for workable and responsible EAS language, but this entire matter is not aimed at addressing the EAS program. The House Republicans freely admit that this is simply an effort to leverage one issue to hijack the legislative process and gain the upper hand on negotiating an anti-labor provision.

This is rotten. It is over a partisan issue that benefits one air carrier—Delta Airlines. The language Delta is advocating would reverse a National Mediation Board (NMB) decision from the previous year that provided workers a democratic vote on union certification. What are the real benefits to Delta from this provision? How badly were they harmed by the decision? After the change, several unionization votes were held among components of their workforce. None of those units voted to organize.
The implications of this vote are about Fedex and JetBlue, not for Delta.
The Delta votes have already taken place... the fighting is over how the situation will be resolved.
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We have inflicted far too much damage on our aviation system for the needs of one airline. So I urge my colleagues to allow this consent agreement to go forward.
With so much damage being caused, you may ask why my Republican colleagues have refused repeated requests to pass a clean extension. I want to outline how we have come to this point. The Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has made it clear that House Republicans are willing to shut down the FAA in order to stick it to airline employees—especially those at one particular airline, Delta. They are insisting on anti-worker language that didn’t even pass the House. What they want now is much stronger than what passed, and they know full well the House-passed language was voted on and failed in the Senate.
Since they returned, I have been told that unless and until the Senate accepts House language on their proposed changes to the National Mediation Board, they would negotiate no further.
if DL is really that politically connected and influential, then I would suggest that other airlines - and other companies for that matter- figure out what DL is doing and hire away those people....
or perhaps the labor movement needs to crack DL's code and figure out how to counter DL....
or this really isn't as much about DL as some people, including the Rock would like to think.