In a statement on the Senate floor today, Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV criticized Delta Air

We have inflicted far too much damage on our aviation system for the needs of one airline. So I urge my colleagues to allow this consent agreement to go forward.
With so much damage being caused, you may ask why my Republican colleagues have refused repeated requests to pass a clean extension. I want to outline how we have come to this point. The Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has made it clear that House Republicans are willing to shut down the FAA in order to stick it to airline employees—especially those at one particular airline, Delta. They are insisting on anti-worker language that didn’t even pass the House. What they want now is much stronger than what passed, and they know full well the House-passed language was voted on and failed in the Senate.
Since they returned, I have been told that unless and until the Senate accepts House language on their proposed changes to the National Mediation Board, they would negotiate no further.

What a load of bullcrapola. While Washington proclaims victory over business as usual, business as usual in Washington reigns. Congress cannot even bring itself to kill an outdated and inefficient $175 million pet plane subsidy program championed by Democrat Sen. Jay Rockefeller at the same time trying to hang a red herring around DL's neck.

Some people are just plain ignorant and or stupid.
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What a load of bullcrapola.
Some people are just plain ignorant and or stupid.

Republican Orrin Hatch of Utah, where Delta has a hub, said the labour issue needed to be addressed but could be worked out quickly.
Unions intend to keep trying at that carrier, prompting its allies in Congress, in this case Republicans in the House, to try to reinstate the previous election rule.
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, who earlier in the day spoke with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood about efforts to resolve the problem, said the labour issue "should not overhang" the temporary funding extension.
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“Today, Republicans once again objected to a simple, fair request—a ‘clean’ extension of funding that would maintain operations into the fall, allow the FAA to function, and restart bipartisan negotiations, which Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and I have made clear we are ready to do. From day one, House GOP leaders admitted openly—almost proudly—that they were doing this to gain ‘leverage’ toward a larger goal—undermining worker rights. Now, the victims of that GOP ploy are the passengers, airport safety and construction projects, 4,000 furloughed workers and more than 70,000 construction jobs around the country that are on hold until the Republicans realize that they can’t use extortion to get their way on this.”


After consulting with the Congressional Research Service and House leaders, it is clear that under the House rules, the House could approve by unanimous consent a clean extension sent over by the Senate when it goes into session on Friday, if Speaker Boehner wanted to and both parties agreed.
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pet plane subsidy program
What a load of bullcrapola.
Some people are just plain ignorant and or stupid.

“The House sent the 21st extension to the Senate almost two weeks ago. The Senate could have avoided this entire situation by simply taking up the House-passed bill. This bill includes language taken directly from the Senate’s long-term FAA bill, approved in February, to cut subsidies to airports within 90 miles of a large or medium-hub airport, including airports in West Virginia, Montana, and Nevada.
“The House bill also includes language to eliminate exorbitant subsidies of more than $1,000 per ticket at three airports, including Ely, Nevada, where each ticket is underwritten $3,720 by the federal government. The House bill cuts $16.5 million from a program that has increased over 300% to $200 million each year. To be clear, the House extension does not include any National Mediation Board labor provisions, which is another contentious issue between the House and Senate.
“Hardworking Americans are suffering because some powerful leaders in the Senate want to protect their own pork programs. We are all fed up with the sham that is going on in the Senate. The Senate made a clear choice – political pork over American workers.”
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[quote ]

Republican Orrin Hatch of Utah, where Delta has a hub, said the labour issue needed to be addressed but could be worked out quickly.
Unions intend to keep trying at that carrier, prompting its allies in Congress, in this case Republicans in the House, to try to reinstate the previous election rule.
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, who earlier in the day spoke with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood about efforts to resolve the problem, said the labour issue "should not overhang" the temporary funding extension.

Sen. Hutchison Applauds Deal to End FAA Shutdown
Aug 04 2011
Sen. Hutchison Applauds Deal to End FAA Shutdown
Dallas, TX - U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, made the following statement regarding the bipartisan compromise on a short-term extension bill to fund the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that will end the current shutdown:
“This is very welcome news and I look forward to the FAA once again resuming regular operations, which will benefit travelers, airports, affected businesses and most importantly, allow furloughed FAA employees to get back to work. The House should now appoint conferees for the FAA authorization so that we can avoid a re-occurrence of this regrettable situation.”
The temporary funding measure does not include the anti-labor provisions sought by Republicans to overturn a new NMB rule that makes airline union elections fair and democratic.
I have always been ready to negotiate for workable and responsible EAS language, but this entire matter is not aimed at addressing the EAS program. The House Republicans freely admit that this is simply an effort to leverage one issue to hijack the legislative process and gain the upper hand on negotiating an anti-labor provision.

This is rotten. It is over a partisan issue that benefits one air carrier—Delta Airlines. The language Delta is advocating would reverse a National Mediation Board (NMB) decision from the previous year that provided workers a democratic vote on union certification. What are the real benefits to Delta from this provision? How badly were they harmed by the decision? After the change, several unionization votes were held among components of their workforce. None of those units voted to organize.

So your saying its ok for "Unions" to ask Demorats to change the rules for a Democratic vote, but it's not ok for a "Company" to ask Republicans to change the rules against a Democratic vote ?

How Democratic of you ! :unsure:
Fixed !

So, your Rockefeller is saying its ok for "Unions" to ask Demorats to change the rules for a Democratic vote, but it's not ok for a "Company" to ask Republicans to change the rules against a Democratic vote ?

How Democratic of you him ! :unsure:

Everyone feel better now and want to answer the question, instead of hiding behind your little + or - signs ?
Labor petitioned for a rule change. The support for it was decidedly in it's favor. There was more than plenty of due process before it went into effect.

If you want it switched back, I suggest you petition the NMB to do so. Better yet, go on one of the next "fly ins" the company sponsors, and have a blast advocating against your own interests.

By now I should know better than to ask you a question that might test your critical thinking ability, but maybe what you really oughta be asking is why there's a labor provision in an FAA reauthorization bill? What's the underlying agenda?
Labor petitioned for a rule change. The support for it was decidedly in it's favor. There was more than plenty of due process before it went into effect.

If you want it switched back, I suggest you petition the NMB to do so. Better yet, go on one of the next "fly ins" the company sponsors, and have a blast advocating against your own interests.

By now I should know better than to ask you a question that might test your critical thinking ability, but maybe what you really oughta be asking is why there's a labor provision in an FAA reauthorization bill? What's the underlying agenda?

And Kev, I realize you being pro-union only see things with union supplied blinders. But take them off for a minute and explain to us anti-union peeps why it ok for unions to petition the NMB for rule changes, but it's not ok for companys to petition the NMB for rule changes ?
And Kev, I realize you being pro-union only see things with union supplied blinders. But take them off for a minute and explain to us anti-union peeps why it ok for unions to petition the NMB for rule changes, but it's not ok for companys to petition the NMB for rule changes ?

If only it were that simple...

But that's not at all what's happening here.

If the company or the ATA wants to get 'em changed, then there's a venue to do so. Holding an FAA bill hostage-and all the jobs involved ain't it...

Oh wait, they tried that already, and were shot down...

From the article sited further up the thread:

Delta Air Lines and the Air Transport Association, an airline industry group, nonetheless disagreed and challenged the new rule in federal court, claiming that the NMB lacked authority to make that change. They lost. The challenge was tossed in a summary judgment, which means the judge thought that ATA didn’t have a legal leg to stand on.

  • You really think it's okay that 10's of thousands of people were furloughed due to an ideological battle?
  • You really think it's okay that this shutdown could've cost more in lost revenue than keeping EAS in it's current form would have?
  • So tell us; as a right wing apologist, how's that jobs thingy workin' out for ya?

Let us know how the next "fly in" goes...
If only it were that simple...

But that's not at all what's happening here.

If the company or the ATA wants to get 'em changed, then there's a venue to do so. Holding an FAA bill hostage-and all the jobs involved ain't it...

Oh wait, they tried that already, and were shot down...

From the article sited further up the thread:

Delta Air Lines and the Air Transport Association, an airline industry group, nonetheless disagreed and challenged the new rule in federal court, claiming that the NMB lacked authority to make that change. They lost. The challenge was tossed in a summary judgment, which means the judge thought that ATA didn’t have a legal leg to stand on.

  • You really think it's okay that 10's of thousands of people were furloughed due to an ideological battle?
  • You really think it's okay that this shutdown could've cost more in lost revenue than keeping EAS in it's current form would have?
  • So tell us; as a right wing apologist, how's that jobs thingy workin' out for ya?

Let us know how the next "fly in" goes...

Its pretty hilarious how you lefty's love to cling to Op ed pieces (as religion) when it spews the same garbage you do. It doesn't validate your argument. It has the opposite effect, makes you appear more ignorant then you already are.

Its pretty hilarious how you lefty's love to cling to Op ed pieces (as religion) when it spews the same garbage you do. It doesn't validate your argument. It has the opposite effect, makes you appear more ignorant then you already are.

Deflection....15 yard penalty....1st down.

Speaking of dumb:."makes you appear more ignorant then you already are" should read "makes you appear more ignorant than you already are."

btw dapoes, when is that next "industry standard" pay increase due? :lol: