Insurrection fueled by conspiracy groups, extremists and fringe movements


Dec 28, 2009
SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
Insurrection fueled by conspiracy groups, extremists and fringe movements

The mob of Trump supporters who stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday included conspiracy theorists linked to QAnon and the Proud Boys -- two right-wing extremist factions that President Donald Trump repeatedly refused to condemn during his election campaign last year.
The insurrection at the heart of America's democracy, egged on by Trump's rhetoric, represented a stunning show of force for the fringe movements and their adherents. Four people were left dead during the mayhem, according to the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, including one woman shot by a U.S. Capitol Police officer and three other people who had medical emergencies.
Pathetic. Sad. Yet encouraged by trump. He needs to either resign. Or 25th amendment use. Clearly he is totally unfit
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Police seeking persons of interest in Capitol Hill unrest




Many more to come. The FBI is actively looking for these assholes that attempted insurrection.
Jail time a coming!!!
And a lot of those traitors that stormed the Capitol consider themselves "patriots". I love the irony of this picture

Trump twittered he will not attend Biden inauguration.

Hmmm...why break the tradition of a sitting president attending the inauguration of his successor? Just have Pence invoke the 25th Amendment so that he becomes the sitting president and the tradition remains intact. I's not like Trump will be any more pissed off at him (unless he refuses to issue a preemptive pardaon to Trump)
I wonder how much classified information was stolen? Laptops and files are missing. Domestic terrorist? They are traitors too.
I bet that many of these so called patriots will "squeal like a pig", when the FBI shows up on their doorstep.
