interesting website for Retirees


Feb 2, 2008

Retirees' Rights ChampionsBob Kirkner, King, North Carolina
Bob Kirkner of King, North Carolina, is a proud father and grandfather. He is 70 years old and gave 34 of those years as a mechanic to US Airways. He retired with a good pension and an optimistic future. But when US Airways declared bankruptcy, Bob had no idea that it would mean drastic cuts to his pension, and the end of his family’s health and life insurance benefits.
When US Airways went bankrupt the first time, Bob’s life began to change. "We were paying $40/month for health insurance, and until my Medicare and VA benefits kicked in, our premiums jumped to $600. Now how are we supposed to afford that?" he reflects. Even with Medicare and VA benefits, the Kirkners' healthcare costs them almost $400/month After the second bankruptcy filing, Bob’s pension was drastically cut, and his social security check that used to be a supplement is now half of his income and pays for all of his utility and insurance bills.
would you please have him pm me?? I too have had my retirement cut and posted it about a month ago. I was in total shock and was told it was in the "contract" Well, it wasn't there when I retired so why does it affect me??
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I'm sorry, I don't really know how to ctc him.......I happened on to this website and found it interesting. I think maybe if you call the 800 number listed below that you might be able to get an e-mail address or something for him. Good luck.

Retiree Roadrunner
815 16th Street NW Fourth Floor
Washington, DC 20006
800-333-7212 Press 1
I really feel for retirees that have had expectations and promises changed.
But it is a tricky situation, just look at the auto companies.
At some point the Retirees cause harm (paycuts and Job losses) to current employees. It becomes a giant Ponzi scheme that stops working when the business stops growing.
No good awnsers in this mess.
You give them the best 35 years of your life for a "promised" retirement package and the money boys (wall street) roll you under the bus ASAP. Our society has no use for old people. When you quit working they try to hook you up to a morphine drip and put you away as quick as possible. Defined pension or 401k, it doesn't matter, they know exactly how to do it. Use contract workers, BK court or close up and roll assets into a new start up company ..... every last one of you that's classified labor has it coming, it's now the American way. Can you spell B-E-N-D O-V-E-R :lol:

Good luck guys .....
Although this organization was started by a retired US Airways mechanic, the general tone and intent applies to all retirees, so we are moving this to the Water Cooler with a marker here.

Thanks and Happy Holidays