Is Arpey about to resign?

Jul 13, 2003
My friend at AA said that Arpey is contemplating resigning from his post by September 30, 2003.

Has anyone else heard this rumor?

Has Arpey had it with the mess at AA?
Right and also 40 exVP, srVP and regular Vps are going to resign and with the savings all hourly employees will receive raises.
Needleman of Jet Blue was on one of those business shows last week. He was asked what he would do if he was CEO of AA? "Resign" he said. He was very serious.
My friend at AA said that Arpey is contemplating Texmex for his lunch on September 30, 2003.

Has anyone else heard this rumor?

Has Arpey had it with the cafeteria food at AA?
My friend at AA said that Arpey is contemplating filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy on September 30, 2003.

Has anyone else heard this rumor?

Has Arpey had it with the workers and their attitudes toward Excutive Compensation?
Yeah, the October bankruptcy story was actually out in March or April. I got it directly from an insider, who, I believe, let it slip inadvertently.

Thus, I fear it has been planned all along.
The Arpey wants out rumor was discussed on one of the Fox news (so reputable) programs a few days ago, something on the line of AA is still a sinking ship and he doesn't want (or need) to be at the helm when it happens because he is too young to have his future career destroyed by that. - I think it was Cavuto that had it. I don't buy it, I think they gave him far too many perks (both known and unknown) for him to just drop everything after 4 months and leave, I'm sure his contract has built in ramifications if he does.
Is Arpey resigning ??, God I HOPE SO.

If his resigning increased the chances (by a mere 1% point), of JUST THE POSSIBILITY of Uncle Bobby "patroling the halls of centerport" again, BRING IT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On 8/2/2003 6:44:42 PM FA Mikey wrote:

My friend at AA said that Arpey is contemplating Texmex for his lunch on September 30, 2003.

Has anyone else heard this rumor?

Has Arpey had it with the cafeteria food at AA?


OK, class, now this is how to respond to a troll. Very good, Mikey! Gold star for you.
I think the mere thought of Uncle Bobby returning to AA would boost the stock!