Is Card Check Dead?


Jul 23, 2003
Bears must be spinning in his rocking chair right about now. Daily KOS (the bastion of conservative thinking in New England), The Atlantic, and the New York Times are saying that card check is being pulled from EFCA.

It even made the front page of our mountain time zone paper, so my guess is that it's probably true. With card check, there was no way EFCA could be passed.

I thought that all those labor unions supporting Obama and the D's was supposed to guarantee this finally being passed?...

Like Obamacare, Harry Reid has to notice the growing shade of purple coming largely at the expense of his so-called "filibuster proof" majority...
Wasn't who like the author tries in vain to was concerned citizens who flooded the phones and lines of communication to their legislators.

Do you actually think with union membership here floundering around 10-15% the rest of the working people want carte blanche unionism slammed in their faces?

I'm sure corporations were involved somewhat but what was more important was the people working for those corporations who are happy without union representation spoke up.

Lobbyists are cool when lobbying left.....

Left loses right did it......

Oh excuse silly of me not to notice.....the workers were

obviously threatened with mass firings if they didn't call in and

oppose card check.