Is Spirit Feeling the Pinch?

A former co-worker from WN is retired and they took a hospitality job in the travel industry.  Without fail, every Customer they have encountered that flew in on Spirit, vows not to fly them again.  Every single complaint is that they purchased for the rock bottom fare and then are floored with the constant nickel and dime approach.  While I enjoy the humor that WN has displayed over the years, SAVE takes it the gutter in their attempts to cajole folks into flying them.  I have been impressed in their expansion but maybe the crows are coming to roost.  I've met and talked with a few folks at SAVE and they deserve some better Management/Employee relationships. 
Reading the report, it's good to see that WN is being competitive at 43 years young and showing the ULCC how the business is suppose to be run.  Didn't like what it to my LUV stock, but only a fool would sell now.
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I too would give it another year or so before selling.  The profits and growth coming in 2014-2017 and beyond will be record numbers going forward.  SWA also hit 19% ROIC for the full year 3Q 13-3Q 14. I will still predict 20% for full year 2014.  