Jet Lag, Anyone?


Mar 23, 2006
I am a psychology graduate student at Walden University who is writing my thesis on various aspects of jet lag. I have worked in military and commercial aviation in several capacities, and this is where I draw most of my theory from. I do not have much experience with trips across several timezones, though, and so I am looking for some input from those who do.

If you are interested in talking about jet lag, just to help me understand the effects a little more, please post here or write me at [email protected]. I will not be putting anything you say directly into my paper, as it is purely based on academic journal articles and research from actual testing. What I will be doing is using what I learn to expand the depth and scope of my research. So far, I am looking at time zone transitions, alertness, mood, mealtimes, circadian rhythms, and melatonin use as material to research further.


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