Joe Manchin - Build Back Blunder?


Oct 29, 2002
Looking like Manchin has been harangued a wee bit too much over his Constitutionally guaranteed right, as a sitting Senator, to vote his conscience and not that off his party. it's quite apparent, a member of the US Governments deciding body, is not afforded a right to choose personal convictions over party agenda.

Joe Manchin bolts the Democratic Party, he’d be more likely to switch to independent — and caucus with the Democrats — than become a Republican, people close to him tell Axios. Manchin’s surprise body blow to President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda set off new speculation across the Democratic Party — including inside the White House — that he may leave the party next year.

“They basically they retaliate I figured they would come back strong. The bottom line is, why would I have said earlier when I was asked about the statement that the president put out and they said what’s about this statement, the president was going to basically delay it because I’ve gone and talked to him. He knew we couldn’t get there. But, you know, he says I want to keep trying. I said, ‘Sure, go ahead, keep trying, whatever you got to do we’ll do it. He made that statement. I said that was the president’s statement, that wasn’t my statement. I don’t know you know. Basically, I’m always, you know me, always willing to work and listen and try. I just got to the wit’s end and they know the real reason what happened. They won’t tell you and I’m not going to.”

“It’s not the president, it’s the staff. And they drove some things and put some things out that were absolutely inexcusable. Bernie yesterday, on CNN, said I want Manchin, put it on the floor. I said, Bernie, please put it on the floor. Maybe it will sink in that we have to look at a different direction than this far-reaching social agenda of yours.”
At some point it wouldn't surprise me to see Manchin decide that the Democrat Party has left him...

That would make McConnell the majority leader again.
I wonder how the ~181000 WV families (w/~305,000 kids) feel abut his cutting off the direct aid the child care tax credit has been providing?
The rug pull of an expected $4B in investment into coal communities?

Manchin & Sinema already successfully halved the bill's total ($3.5t to $1.75t). Now he comes back for more? C'mon.

Interesting to me that he's so concerned about a bill that will immediately improve the QOL of his constituents, yet had little to say about R-driven tax cuts in '17 & '18 that cost more.
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At some point it wouldn't surprise me to see Manchin decide that the Democrat Party has left him...

That would make McConnell the majority leader again.
Read some reports of Manchin going indie.

Hope he doesn't go know “Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard”'
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At some point it wouldn't surprise me to see Manchin decide that the Democrat Party has left him...

That would make McConnell the majority leader again.
Interesting take, make note of his past election numbers.

As I said last week, though Manchin is sitting right where he wants to be right now politically, when reelection time gets close (assuming he runs again), he’ll have some thinking to do on the party flipping thing, because though his first election to the Senate in 2012 for a full term was a cakewalk, his 2018 race was much closer, with the Republican nominee Patrick Morrisey losing by just .3 percent (about 19,000 votes) in a race that saw Libertarian nominee Rusty Hollen get 24,000 votes.

Considering how much redder his state gets (and how Democrats are chomping at the bit to try and primary him), Manchin may decide a year ahead of election time that it might be more worth his while to switch parties.
I wonder how the ~181000 WV families (w/~305,000 kids) feel abut his cutting off the direct aid the child care tax credit has been providing?

You mean the state that voted 3:1 for Trump? The state that most Democrats prefer was unemployed rather than mining coal?

They'll be better off without the Democrats idea of whats better for them...
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Lifting kids out of poverty is good for everyone, regardless of party. Manchin thinks people will use the $$$ to buy drugs, which is..something...
He probably has good reason for that. WV leads the nation in drug overdose deaths.

Found this tidbit, on the subject of lifting people out of poverty:

And his wife runs the Appalachian Regional Commission which was created in 1965 that it would lift the hillbillies out of poverty. We're still poor, but our politicians own yachts and Maseratis now.

Don Surber
Manchin's daughter is a retired pharma CEO. Trying to label her as a drug dealer is quite the stretch, Kev.

If it's suddenly OK to go after the kids of politicians, how 'bout we talk about Hunter?....
Kev', could you expound on that statement a bit more plz.
Manchin's daughter was the CEO of Mylan, which made Epipens. While CEO, they lobbied to have the pens available in places like schools. With 85% market share, they then jacked the price up several hundred %.
Manchin's daughter is a retired pharma CEO. Trying to label her as a drug dealer is quite the stretch, Kev.

If it's suddenly OK to go after the kids of politicians, how 'bout we talk about Hunter?....
Conservatives have never stopped talking about him.
Manchin's daughter was the CEO of Mylan, which made Epipens. While CEO, they lobbied to have the pens available in places like schools. With 85% market share, they then jacked the price up several hundred %.

None of which is relevant to the comments about WV being a high drug overdose state... which is also categorically false.

WV ranks in the lower quartile of states who report overdose deaths:
