

Aug 22, 2002
As of 2/24/04 passengers will be able to use the kiosks for international check-in.
But only if you are using pasports for ID.Also each Passport has to be verified by the kiosk agent and your die sign put on the BP. In most cities we are running short on workers. Instead of giving us passport readers at our positions they put them on these machines. Is anyone at home? On our 7:30 am flt we usually have 95 out of 132 pax making itnl conx. We struggle inputting the info and barely get the people down on time to make the flt.Now we will have to dbl chk the kiosk and mark names off at the gate. What genius thought of this one? Passport readers at the agent chkins would have worked much better.We had them before but when SABRE entered they all dissappeared :ph34r: