Lets have a Parade


Dec 28, 2009
SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
Just wondering how you all feel about pissing away a couple of million dollars on a military parade?
Should we teach our soldiers to goose step?
Wear Trump ball caps?
Will we have to clap (even though he claps for himself and those whom don't are traiters)?
Should we put up Trump pictures and call it Trump Square?
I am missing the big picture here so I hope you coolers can help me grasp this.
B) xUT
Should we teach our soldiers to goose step?
Two family members died fighting nazi Germany. I can only imagine what they might've thought about your smarmy little punk mouth attempting to degrade the American military in such fashion.
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Just wondering how you all feel about pissing away a couple of million dollars on a military parade?
Should we teach our soldiers to goose step?
Wear Trump ball caps?
Will we have to clap (even though he claps for himself and those whom don't are traiters)?
Should we put up Trump pictures and call it Trump Square?
I am missing the big picture here so I hope you coolers can help me grasp this.
B) xUT
Is your news delayed out there in Commiefornia?

A military parade is a great idea, Hildabeast and Billdo could pay for it with the $150 million in Putin Bucks they received for selling our Uranium to them.

Free "Russian Reset" buttons could be passed out to the attendees with Hildabeasts picture on them.

We could pay Putin $500k for a speech like Billdo received from the Ruskies.

Putin and Obammy could have a staring contest.
I'm still trying to figure out where the cost estimates come from. Soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines are already on the clock, and it's safe to say shouldn't need police protection (being better armed and trained & all....). Let 'em march and strut their stuff. They've earned it.
I think it’s a waste of time/resources. I’ve always felt like America was above military parades- I’ve been equating not advertising with quiet confidence.
Two family members died fighting nazi Germany. I can only imagine what they might've thought about your smarmy little punk mouth attempting to degrade the American military in such fashion.

They would’ve thanked him for his service, and likely agreed that they fought for his right to say whatever he wanted.
I think it’s a waste of time/resources. I’ve always felt like America was above military parades- I’ve been equating not advertising with quiet confidence.

Maybe, but it can also be a bit of a boost for the troops involved. Getting dressed up once in a while for a parade or some sort of local ceremony near the base was more interesting to my son than getting into his utilities and having to do more training out in the field.... Being shown some appreciation by a crowd matters.
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Two family members died fighting nazi Germany. I can only imagine what they might've thought about your smarmy little punk mouth attempting to degrade the American military in such fashion.
What does that have to do with it?
Look here pal, I spent 13 years in the military.
All of my uncles and my dad served in WW2
I spent 6 months on the burial team at Bragg.
Sharp Smart and did my duty.
You guys are soooooo...predictable.
Tris blog was getting boring with you guys patting each on the butt.
Just wondering how deep you you folks swallow.
What the main stream media is not telling you! ...... How about this parade x?