Letting Certs Expire Temporarily?



As much as I hate to say it, I'm going to take a break from flying. I've had my private pilot license for a few years, but I simply don't have enough time to fly regularly....new house, work, family, etc, and a 25 minute drive to the nearest airport....you get the idea. Even if I squeezed in a flight here and there, I don't feel like it would be enough for me to stay as safe as I want. Enough reasons/excuses, and on to my question: What are the consequences of not keeping current for my bi-annual review and third class medical? If I let these things expire, what is involved in getting started again in a few years? I'll obviously take some lessons with an instructor until I feel comfortable again. Is it then simply a matter of doing a "normal" bi-annual review to get it current? Is getting my third class medical after it has expired any different than getting it renewed before it expires? My medical and bi-annual are both coming due in a month or so.


Is it then simply a matter of doing a "normal" bi-annual review to get it current?
Yes but the bi-annual may take longer to complete.

Is getting my third class medical after it has expired any different than getting it renewed before it expires?

No different.