Looks like the future of downsized res will be put to the test with impending ice/snow expected in W

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Oct 24, 2002
..to the test this week with the impending snow and ice expected in Winston and the rest of the East.It is well known that Winston doesn't handle ice and snow well at all, nor has alot of equipment to salt and sand just for a glaze. In the past folks in INT res couldn't get to work so the other offices shouldered the hundreds of calls on hold. Soooooo, Anyone in Orlando up for, gasp, Overtime? No you say? Aww, Come on, pitch in, do it for the Gipper, or the Austin. Or just for the good of the company that is so labor and customer friendly.
Hey Austin, sure you still don't want a southern office ?
Never too late to say you made a mistake.CWA will forgive you.Think of all the severance payout you'll save, 200-250 people on A scale for up to 15 weeks severance pay at 16->20 an hour doing nothing. That adds up.[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif']
FYI, plan on 30 to 60 minute hold times if indeed the weather does get bad from the Carolinas to NY as expected WED and THURS..oh happy days!
WOW..such attitude...no one can change what happened...There's no reason to talk to a Chp member like that...He's only stating his opinion..I am in INT we had one really bad ice day last year the highways closed..etc..Those who could came to work, the office never closed...and most of us worked overtime..realizing the situation at hand. I'm sincerely sorry for your situation..and we realize it could've been any office.
On 12/2/2002 12:51:09 AM PineyBob wrote:

I am not sure what you are talking about! NEVER EVER Have I had to wait a full minute for a res agent. Especially on the CP lines.

OK CS-Pro I'll put the same challenge to you that I put to Fork Time. Tell how you would have cut 1.6 BILLION in annual operating costs?? Clearly you are an expert at pointing out problems, care to share any solutions? Love to hear them. Otherwise want some chees with your Whine?

BLAH BLAH BLAH ... Just like a CP had to throw your title around!!!!!!!
I work in INT and in 22 yrs I have missed 1 day because of snow/ice and I drive 25mi ea way to work. I have even spent the night in a hotel the night prior to be sure I made it. Crazy? perhaps, but I did it for my co-workers/pax as many others did. It is terribly busy of course in bad weather. In the long run such loyalty got us no where as far as appreciation from management but at least we could feel good about ourselves. I doubt as many will show this winter though, considering how workers have been treated. I have spoken to many Chairman's and find the majority of them to be incredibly nice and I enjoy speaking to them. Piney Bob has insightful posts and is a genuinely caring pax. I don't feel it does anyone any good to insult someone that pays our salary and is trying to help us survive by continuing to fly us. I did not see him throwing around his CHP status. But he certainly has the right to if he wishes, he has earned it. Direct anger where it belongs, to management, etc, not to the pax.
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On 12/2/2002 2:56:01 AM Res wrote:

WOW..such attitude...no one can change what happened...There's no reason to talk to a Chp member like that...He's only stating his opinion..I am in INT we had one really bad ice day last year the highways closed..etc..Those who could came to work, the office never closed...and most of us worked overtime..realizing the situation at hand. I'm sincerely sorry for your situation..and we realize it could've been any office.
Last year was an exception to the norm, there was very little snow anywhere on the entire EAST COAST all the way to Boston.But I can recall several instances(at least 1/2 a dozen or more) over the years where WINSTON agents were "forgiven" for not making it into work, or CTOS closing early, and we all heard and even discussed the nightmarish stories afterwards. So indeed it has happened, contrary to other beliefs.
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On 12/2/2002 12:51:09 AM PineyBob wrote:

I am not sure what you are talking about! NEVER EVER Have I had to wait a full minute for a res agent. Especially on the CP lines.

OK CS-Pro I'll put the same challenge to you that I put to Fork Time. Tell how you would have cut 1.6 BILLION in annual operating costs?? Clearly you are an expert at pointing out problems, care to share any solutions? Love to hear them. Otherwise want some chees with your Whine?

Ideas I/anyone could put worth wouldn't go anywhere because no one listens to the front line, and they concern work procedures that you would be clueless about as a non- front line employee.That's a realitey, not a copout.
Secondly, the C/P line has not been challenged(and also with general sales overflow) in awhile for bad wx, and I certainly was not addressing this minute percentage of callers. If on a fair wx day there are in excess of 75-100 calls on hold most of the day, which is the norm nowadays,what would you expect with bad wx and hundreds fewer on the payroll in rotation and dozens not making it into work in INT? That is the point I was making with reduced staffing.
Last year was an exception to the norm, there was very little snow anywhere on the entire EAST COAST all the way to Boston.But I can recall several instances(at least 1/2 a dozen or more) over the years where WINSTON agents were "forgiven" for not making it into work, or CTOS closing early, and we all heard and even discussed the nightmarish stories afterwards. So indeed it has happened, contrary to other beliefs.

I don't know what office you work in, but unless you were in INT you don't know for a fact if days missed due to weather were forgiven or not...for the most part missed days were not forgiven. I guess PITRO and MCORO were never shut down for any reason, huh?
PineyBob wrote:[BR][BR]As for me throwing my CP status around. I EARNED that while spending 185-200 room nights PER YEAR away from family & friends as part of my job. I mentioned the status because I know that they are different from the regular lines, not to "throw my weight around". I would gently remind you that in the last 30 months I have spent about $40,000 with US Air so I think that qualifies me to comment on issues that directly effect me. In fact I would submit to you RumorS that it makes me uniquely qualified to respond.[BR]----------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR]Bob, you seem to have been told by some misguided soul that money can buy you respect, guess what, it can't! I've lost track of how many times you have tried to throw your "status," and your "$40,000 spent on tickets," in our face during several postings. If you're not trying to impress us, just what reason would you explain for constantly, "reminding us" of your STATUS? <PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR>!
Dear Piney Bob
Please forgive some of our co-workers. We DO appreciate your business and your loyalty. We are just frustruated by all that has happened and the lack of communication from management to all of the employees by keeping us in the dark. I happen to be an employee of MCO res and will be furloughed in January after 16 years of loyal service to you and the company. I will continue to be loyal to my company, however their loyalty seems to be misplaced.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/2/2002 9:34:50 AM Imamec,itsmyfault wrote:
[P]Bob, you seem to have been told by some misguided soul that money can buy you respect, guess what, it can't! I've lost track of how many times you have tried to throw your "status," and your "$40,000 spent on tickets," in our face during several postings. If you're not trying to impress us, just what reason would you explain for constantly, "reminding us" of your STATUS? <PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR>![/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]PineyBob's responses are coached in reply to the oft repeated mantra that if you aren't in the company, than you shouldn't be commenting. Unfortunately, folks who have little useful to contribute or comment on often use this tactic. Passengers like PineyBob and myself are amazed at the block-headedness that pervades from these types of people.[BR][BR]There are other types of folks in the world who do have insight and opinion as to the ways of the world![/P]
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On 12/2/2002 10:11:31 AM RES87rno wrote:

Dear Piney Bob
Please forgive some of our co-workers. We DO appreciate your business and your loyalty. We are just frustruated by all that has happened and the lack of communication from management to all of the employees by keeping us in the dark. I happen to be an employee of MCO res and will be furloughed in January after 16 years of loyal service to you and the company. I will continue to be loyal to my company, however their loyalty seems to be misplaced.
Please 87, it is neither your place nor a necessity to ask for forgiveness for comments on this board, true, false or otherwise, made by others.Thank you.[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/1.gif']
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On 12/2/2002 8:28:16 AM PineyBob wrote:

Well just as I suspected CS-Pro all problem & NO solution! I have NEVER been on hold before, during or after my status (with your attitude US will sink) as a CP. Want to experience true reservations nightmare, try calling NWA at any time and you will either wait on hold for a low of 4 mins to a high of 10 or be totally dumped from the system and told to "call back later". Frankly I think Dave is benchmarking you against NW since he has knowledge of them. The reality is that US will sink to the level of NW, which I am OK with as long as you don't sink to their level of rudeness or unprofessionalism.

As for me throwing my CP status around. I EARNED that while spending 185-200 room nights PER YEAR away from family & friends as part of my job. I mentioned the status because I know that they are different from the regular lines, not to "throw my weight around". I would gently remind you that in the last 30 months I have spent about $40,000 with US Air so I think that qualifies me to comment on issues that directly effect me. In fact I would submit to you RumorS that it makes me uniquely qualified to respond.

It is attitudes like yours RumorS & CS-Pro that make Pax berate res agents. Other attitudes shown in this forum further convince me that sticking with US Air is a good move for me. I intend to ride them all the way down or right on through the revival.
Despite the fact my original post was non confrontational, certainly from a customer perspective, it is clear you have still decided to take off the boxing gloves, ...so here goes MR INSTIGATOR.
Enlighten us oh smart one, how long do you think it took TODAY DEC 2 to answer an average call with 150-250 calls on hold as indicated by my phone LCD pad all day? 4 minutes, 2 minutes? 10 min.? BZZz wrong answer, the wait I was told was close to 1/2 an hour and the frustration was indeed vented to me and was certainly beyond my control, so again I repeat you speak of things you have no concept of.Just because your red bat phone hasn't had to wait doesn't mean it ain't happening.
How dare you insult my expertise as a cust svc agent, may I reciprocate in kind and insult your status as a human being? You wouldn't like that would you? or maybe you like abuse? Or you engage in double or triple standards in your life. I don't. Not a hypocrite, not a liar. And not someone who throws his money and status/weight around either, anywhere I patronize. Perhaps you would like to gag on my 20 or 30 complimentary letters and reviews I have saved up over the past few years that I did not solicit nor have to bribe anyone to obtain. You say I still have a bad attitude and pi$$ poor service? Think again, with rodents like you who needs enemies?
And lastly, suggested improvements have been discussed ad nauseum by many on this board, there is no sense rehashing them, these ideas go no where. And again, in your tunnel vision world, you wouldn't understand.
You asked for a response of this nature, any misguided retort in similar tone will be considered by me as mindless drivel.
CS Pro reOn 12/2/2002 10:11:31 AM RES87rno wrote:

Dear Piney Bob
Please forgive some of our co-workers. We DO appreciate your business and your loyalty. We are just frustruated by all that has happened and the lack of communication from management to all of the employees by keeping us in the dark. I happen to be an employee of MCO res and will be furloughed in January after 16 years of loyal service to you and the company. I will continue to be loyal to my company, however their loyalty seems to be misplaced.

I can't help but agree your anger is misplaced...our customers are not the problem..management is..
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On 12/2/2002 5:20:13 PM PineyBob wrote: QUESTION: When does three minutes equal a half hour???
ANSWER: In CS-Pro's World! La LA Land!

Seems I am 3 for 3 so far,


Question: Where does past "few" years equal the sum of 20 ?
Answer: Piney-Drivel land.
Batting 1,000 so far.
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